Which of the following characterizes a true epic and is seen in The Rape of the Lock?-D

The sylphs try to prevent —-A

Alexander Pope’s purpose for writing The Rape of the Lock was to-C

The word desist means to-B

Which of the following best describes the overall feeling that Pope meant to convey in The Rape of the Lock?-D

During the fight between Belinda and the Baron, —-D

Which of the following is a characteristic of a true epic?-B

A central theme of The Rape of the Lock is the-A

Which of the following statements best describes the point Pope makes in The Rape of the Lock?-C

What happens to the lock?-A

Refusing Sancho Panza’s food, Don Quixote nourishes himself on —-D

act of staying watchfully awake-Vigil

Before engaging in battle, Don Quixote takes a moment to —-D

Chapter eight of Don Quixote contains the famous scene in which Don Quixote —-D

hostility- Enmity

Which is not a fact about the life of Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote?-B

Don Quixote is mainly a parody of —-A

Before the battle, Sancho Panza warns Don Quixote that —-B

After his spear is broken, what does Don Quixote use as a replacement?-D

Which of the following actions is permitted under the laws of chivalry?-B

What “law of nature” does Wollstonecraft accept?-B

What trait does Wollstonecraft hope to develop in women?-D

For Wollstonecraft the first task of any human being, male or female, is to —-D

According to Wollstonecraft, the training of women as objects of desire causes —-C

In A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, according to Wollstonecraft, mistaken notions of female excellence lead women to-A

Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman might be subtitled-B

In the introduction to A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, the author prepares the reader for the rest of the essay by —-A

According to Wollstonecraft, people who are only the objects of pity and condescending love will eventually become objects of —-B

In A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Mary Wollstonecraft felt that women’s weakness was-A

Wollstonecraft concludes her introduction by pointing out that in the struggle for social power, the governing force will always be —D

What “law of nature” does Wollstonecraft accept?-B

Wollstonecraft’s purpose in writing A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was to-A

Which line from A Vindication of the Rights of Woman conveys the essay’s main theme?-D

Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman to-C

What trait does Wollstonecraft hope to develop in women?-D

In A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Mary Wollstonecraft compares women’s minds to-C

According to Wollstonecraft, which of the following is not a result of the “artificial weakness” that is bred into women?-D

One of the main points in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman is that women should be-B

Which group of people does Wollstonecraft characterize in her statement “as a class of mankind they have the strongest claim to pity”?-D

In The Life of Samuel Johnson, a predominant theme in Boswell’s descriptions of both Johnson’s character and their first meeting is-B

What is the most important reason for setting a purpose before reading?-A

According to Boswell, why did Johnson sometimes express opinions that he did not really believe?-C

In The Life of Samuel Johnson, the attitude that dominates Boswell’s descriptions of Johnson is-A

In The Life of Samuel Johnson, which of the following is a strength in Johnson that Boswell praises above others?-C

In The Life of Samuel Johnson, Boswell can be said to feel what about Johnson?-A

The speaker compares the winds to —-C

Wordsworth uses allusions to emphasize the speaker’s connection to —A

Poets generally use allusion to __________.

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In “The World Is Too Much with Us,” people are “out of tune” with Select the one most correct answer from the choices given.

- C

Instead of losing his connection to nature, the speaker would “rather be / A Pagan.” A pagan is someone who —-C

“The world is too much with us” means that —-D

Which of the following sentences might be a paraphrase of the statement “Little we see in Nature that is ours”?-A
In “The World Is Too Much with Us,” what accounts for people’s being “out of tune”?-B

The allusions in “The World Is Too Much with Us” refer to —-B

In “The World Is Too Much With Us,” the speaker believes that —-A

In “Kubla Khan,” which of the following is true of the sacred river in the poem?-B

The final image of “Kubla Khan” is that of the-C

How does the pleasure-dome come into existence?-B

The pleasure-dome exists-C

In “Kubla Khan,” Coleridge uses alliteration to create —-C

Who was Kubla Khan?-A

The pleasure-dome is situated —-D

The dominant image used in the middle of the poem is the image of —-B

The speaker in “Kubla Khan” describes a —-C

In the stanza beginning on line 12, the speaker describes the chasm as —-A

In a striking simile the poet compares his words to —-B

In order to be lifted by the west wind, the speaker wishes to be any of the following items except a —-A

Lines 55-56, “A heavy weight of hours has chained and bowed / One too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud,” mean that the speaker —-D

In line 5 of “Ode to the West Wind,” what are the “Pestilence-stricken multitudes”?-A

Each section of Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” contains twelve lines in terza rima; in other words, —-C

The speaker wishes to become a lyre —-A

The descriptions of the West Wind in the first two sections of “Ode to the West Wind” are dominated by images of-A
The phrase “the incantation of this verse” in line 65 shows that Shelley thinks of poetry as akin to —-B

Shelley expresses such extreme empathy with his subject that he—B

With which season does the speaker associate the west wind?-C

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read,
Which of the following is part of the “passions” referred to in line 6 of “Ozymandias”?

Who is or was most admiring of Ozymandias?-D

Ozymandias is condemned for all of the following except-C

What makes line 11, “‘Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’,” ironic?-A

The face of Ozymandias —-D

In the poem the monument to Ozymandias is —-B

This poem is written in the form of a(n) —-C

Ironically Ozymandias had expected —-C

The central idea of the poem might be that —-A

What is suggested by the following image from “Ozymandias”?
Round the decay / Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, / The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Which of the following passages provides the best example of imagery?-A

In the first stanza of “Ode to a Grecian Urn” the speaker wants to know —-C

In lines 11-14 of “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” the speaker is praising the powers of the human-D

“When I Have Fears” ends with an expression of the speaker’s —-C

For Keats in “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” the lovers pictured on the urn symbolize his theme of-A
The speaker in “When I Have Fears” compares the content of great books to —-D
The speaker in “Ode to a Grecian Urn” feels that the urn —-D
In the first two lines of the poem, what kinds of images does Keats use as metaphors for the urn?-B
The priest in “Ode to a Grecian Urn” is portrayed —-A
The speaker’s fear in “When I Have Fears” causes him to —-C
The crisis, or turning point, in the poem is the Lady of Shalott’s realization that she no longer wishes to —-A
The Lady of Shalott can view Camelot only-C
In form and content, “The Lady of Shalott” recalls-C
Which of the following lines from “The Lady of Shalott” is the best evidence to support the poet’s message that the Lady is doomed?-A
The Lady of Shalott finally leaves the island because of —-D
In what ways is the Lady in “The Lady of Shalott” like an artist?-D
What do the following lines from the poem suggest? “And down the river’s dim expanse / Like some bold seër in a trance, / Seeing all his own mischance— / With a glassy countenance / Did she look to Camelot.”
Sir Lancelot’s reaction to the death of the Lady of Shalott could best be described as —-C
One part of Tennyson’s message in “The Lady of Shalott” is the-B
Why may the Lady in “The Lady of Shalott” not leave her island?-B
Which line from the poem is not in strict iambic pentameter?-B
The speaker’s statement that she loves with “childhood’s faith” means that her love is —-B
Although the speaker alludes to her lost childhood faith, the concluding lines indicate that —-B
What does the phrase “as they turn from Praise” in line 8 mean?-B
As a respectable Victorian, Barrett Browning does not describe her love as —C
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
Which sound device is not used in lines 8-9?
“Sonnet 43” is concerned almost entirely with a description of-B
The love expressed in the poem can best be described as —-D
The speaker claims that she will love her beloved —-C
In “Sonnet 43,” the statement “I love thee to the level of everyday’s / Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight” suggests that the speaker-A
In “A Warning Against Passion,” Brontë suggests that a good marriage involves-C
In “A Warning Against Passion,” what does Brontë believe is a good reason to immediately reject the idea of marriage to someone?-D
In “A Warning Against Passion,” Brontë’s main objection to Mr. Vincent is that he is-C
A modern-day method of discourse is provided by the-A
If you behave in a deferential way toward someone, you are attempting to-C
In “A Warning Against Passion,” when should a young woman allow herself to fall in love?-A
One is most likely to feel repugnance for that which he or she finds-B
In “A Warning Against Passion,” what does Brontë say can happen if a woman loves too much?-C
A person who demonstrates a foible most probably deserves-A
In “A Warning Against Passion,” Brontë’s main objection to intense love is that a woman who feels it becomes-B
Outrage is the name of a —-C
Some aspects of this story allude to —-B
In “The Mark of the Beast,” which of the following represents the internal conflict of the story?-D
The Englishmen make a cultural allusion when they mention that —-D
In “The Mark of the Beast,” how do Strickland and Fleete reverse Fleete’s condition?-A
What incident infuriates the Indian populace?-B
The proverb quoted at the beginning of the story suggests the —-A
In “The Mark of the Beast,” how does the narrator feel about Eastern Gods at the end of the story?-A
In “The Mark of the Beast,” what rhetorical device does the title contain?-C
What theory does the narrator propose in the first paragraph of the story?-A
The root aqua means “water,” so the word aqueduct most likely means-D
The root fac, as in the word factory, most likely means-C
My mom was optimistic that the camping trip would go well, but my dad was doubtful that we would have nice weather and enough supplies. Read the sentence.Based on the antonym context clue, what does the wordoptimistic mean?-C
The museum has an interesting collection of nautical items, including ocean maps, sails, and anchors. Read the sentence. The example context clues show that the word nautical means-D
The root of the word conductor gives a clue that this word means-A
The word gratitude contains a root that means-D
The directions for setting up the new computer seemed complex at first, but they were actually quite simple once I looked at the pictures and followed the steps. Read the sentence. The antonym simple shows that the word complex means -C
Adding the prefix de- to the word value makes a word that means-A
If the root spect means “look,” which word most likely means “one who watches”?-A
My neighbor rarely drives his car because he knows that the car’s worth will depreciate, or decrease in value, if it is in an accident or driven for many miles. Read the sentence. Which phrase in the sentence gives a definition for the word depreciate? -B
Which of the following loanword trends originate from Latin? -A
Sarah tried to erase the files full of illegal __________ in her computer before the police arrived, but she was too late. Choose the correct pluralization of the irregular Latin word datum: -C
Which of the following in NOT a loanword trend from French? -D
English is in the same family as German, Dutch, Swedish, and Norwegian. What is the name for this family of languages?-A
Although he is not a doctor, Jeremy can use the otoscope to examine his little sister’s infected ear. Based on the contents of the lesson, from which language did the italicized word most likely originate?-D
Which country has loaned English many words related to fashion, cooking, and dance?-C
Some nouns that end in -sis are made plural by changing the -sis to -ses. Why is this?-A
From which language does the word haiku originate?-C
When she walked up to the brick apartment building, Tammy had déjà vu because it reminded her of her childhood home. What is the origin of déjà vu, and what is its meaning?-B
The emergency team could not respond to the calls reporting __________ in several areas of town. Choose the correct pluralization of the irregular Greek word crisis: -B
One paradox about the hollow men is that they are —-C
One of the main ideas of “The Hollow Men” is that-A
In a metaphor the valley of the hollow men is compared to a —-D
In a figure of speech the hollow men’s voices are compared to the —-A
The speaker of the poem —-A
The visual imagery of the poem is dominated by —-D
In “The Hollow Men,” how might you interpret Eliot’s use of the words hollow, dried, and broken to describe the hollow men?-B
What is the dominant form of vegetation in the poem’s landscape?-B
What is the main emotion the speaker expresses in the poem?-B
Lines 66-67, “The hope only / Of empty men,” refer to the hope for —-A
The emotion that the boy does not feel at the end of the story is —-D
Which type of irony is represented by the boy’s disillusionment at the bazaar?-D
Which detail in this passage from “Araby” is the strongest indicator of the boy’s inner feelings? I found myself in a big hall girdled at half its height by a gallery. Nearly all the stalls were closed and the greater part of the hall was in darkness.-D
For the boy in the story, his epiphany brings him —-C
In contrast to the boy who is the main character, the narrator of “Araby” —-D
The story takes place —-B
Which of the following events happens first in the story?-D
The comparisons and contrasts implied in “Araby” are largely between —-A
In a broad sense, the boy’s epiphany in “Araby” reveals the-A
The boy’s experience at the stall of the young lady adds to the story because the incident —-B
In the last line of the poem, the speaker suggests that people-C
In line 13, “they” refers to-B
The “moment” in Atwood’s poem can best be described as-D
Which line includes an example of personification?-B
Who is the speaker in the third stanza whose words are indicated by italics?-C
For the speaker, the act of writing —-C
Which words from the poem best alliterate with the word squat?-D
In this poem the act of digging is described —-B
As he speaks, the speaker in “Digging” is —-D
The father and the grandfather described in the poem are —-C
The speaker regards his ancestors with —-D
The word in the title refers both to digging in the earth and to —-A
The father and grandfather seem to be —-A
In “The Horses,” the attitude of the speaker toward the horses is mainly one of-A
What is the setting for the poem “The Horses”?-A
In “The Horses,” the horses respond to the second appearance of the speaker with-D
In “The Horses,” the speaker describes-A
Readers who are judging the message of “The Horses” might consider-B
How many times does the speaker spot the horses in the poem “The Horses.”-B
In “The Horses,” in the hour before dawn, the horses seem to-B
In “The Horses,” what does this line mean? Slowly detail leafed from the darkness.-C
In these lines from “The Horses,” how does the poet’s word choice contribute to the image? Huge in the dense gray—ten together— Megalith-still . .-D
In the poem “The Horses,” what are the horses doing when Hughes sees them?-A
World War II took place from -A
In what year was the United Nations established?-C
In the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” what is most important for the full realization of the pledge made in the Declaration of Human Rights?-B
In the preamble to the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” which freedom is not identified as a fundamental human right?-D
In 2000 how many members were in the United Nations?-D
The repeated word whereas in the Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights indicates that the text will —-B
In the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” education and marriage are considered fundamental human rights.-T
The Preamble states all of the following reasons for presenting the Declaration except —-D
The “barbaric war acts” referred to in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights occurred in all of the countries involved in the war.-F
When was the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” written?-A

For history class, Ross has to write a research paper on an aspect of the 1960s. Since he loves music, Ross has narrowed down his topic to music of the 1960s. He’s not sure if he wants to focus on the classic rock or classic folk music of that era. At which step of the research process is Ross? -C
Which of the following choices BEST explains the purpose of developing a research plan?-C
Which of the following statements is FALSE? -A
Jose is writing a research paper on the demise of the Aztec civilization. He is working on writing his thesis statement. In which step of the writing process is Jose?-A
Which of the following statements about a research paper thesis is FALSE?-C
For history class, Ross has to write a research paper on an aspect of the 1960s. Since he loves music, Ross has narrowed down his topic to music of the 1960s. After completing some background research, Ross decides to discuss the ways that classic rock music mirrored the new-found freedoms within society. With his thesis determined, Ross asks his mom to talk to him about her experience of classic rock music in the 1960s society. Which of the following research tools would Ross utilize during his interview with his mom to document her as a source? -B
Which type of note card is the above example? -A (summery)

For history class, Ross has to write a research paper on an aspect of the 1960s that affected society. Since he loves music, Ross has narrowed down his topic to music of the 1960s. He’s not sure if he wants to focus on the classic rock or classic folk music of that era.Of the following choices, which would be the next step to help Ross narrow his topic into a thesis statement? -B

Which of the following correctly completes the missing line (Line II) of the outline? -C

“The content and message of The Awakening caused an uproar and Chopin was denied admission into the St. Louis Fine Art Club based on its publication. She was terribly hurt by the reaction to the book . . . Like Edna, she paid the price for defying societal rules . . . ”
from Wyatt, http://www.vcu.edu/engweb/eng384/katebio.htm
If you did NOT want to directly quote Wyatt in a research paper, which of the following types of note cards could you use to incorporate this information into your paper?-C
For homework on Valentine’s Day, Roberto is supposed to find a poem about love and analyze it. He types “love poems” in his search engine, and the first site he clicks on has more advertisements than it does text. In fact, there are so many ads that the pop-up blocker cannot even keep up with them. Next, he scrolls down to the bottom to try to find out about the webmaster. There is no information. Then, he clicks on the link for the privacy policy. When he does this, a loud voice starts talking, and he realizes it is another advertisement. At this point, what should Roberto do? -B

While doing research for a newspaper article on different career salaries, Lucinda finds a broad range of salaries for nurses when she consults three different .com websites.What would you suggest to Lucinda as a better research tool for her article?-D
Which of the above rubrics BEST evaluates a research paper for bias? Why?-C
For history class, Marlena is writing a paper on President Andrew Jackson’s treatment of minorities, namely African Americans and Native Americans. During her research, she finds the archived journal of one of his numerous, African American slaves on his Tennessee plantation. The slave talks about daily life as a servant and does not speak highly of President Jackson.What type of source did Marlena find during her research?-A
Independent, aggressive and critical media are essential to an informed democracy. But mainstream media are increasingly cozy with the economic and political powers they should be watchdogging. Mergers in the news industry have accelerated, further limiting the spectrum of viewpoints that have access to mass media. With U.S. media outlets overwhelmingly owned by for-profit conglomerates and supported by corporate advertisers, independent journalism is compromised.You are looking for an objective, current news article for your social studies class. You come across this website and think you have hit the jackpot. With further investigation, however, you see this article, and it makes you reconsider. What is the best way to check the reliability of this article?-A
Which of the following choices is a primary source?-B
Robert is doing a research paper on the life of Amelia Earhart. He has found one source that says Earhart died in a plane crash; another source says she actually landed on an island. What should he do in this situation?-A
Vincenzo is researching international governments’ reactions to the World War II bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that resulted in the death and severe maiming of civilians.Which of the following sources should Vincenzo use for his research?-B
Sarah is writing a research paper for history class on the Vietnam War. She is required to use one primary source in her research. Which of the following is an example of a primary source? -D
What is the difference between primary and secondary sources?-C
Which of the following choices is the BEST summary of Maria Acosta’s direct quotation?-B
Plagiarism can be defined in all of the following ways EXCEPT:-D
Which of the following choices is the BEST paraphrase of Maria Acosta’s direct quotation?-C
Which of the following is NOT a way to avoid accidental plagiarism?-C
Why does the following in-text citation only use a page number at the end?

In Hawthorne’s “Rappaccini’s Daughter,” the reader is introduced to a world of ambiguity that is simultaneously beautiful and tragic: “It was not love, although her rich beauty was a madness to him . . . but a wild offspring of both love an horror that . . . burned like one and shivered like the other” (399). -B
What are the differences between a direct quotation, a paraphrase, and a summary?-D
Which of the following choices CORRECTLY integrates a paraphrase of Maria Acosta’s direct quotation into a text using proper in-text citation?-C

Read the excerpt from the article “Why I Wrote ‘The Yellow Wallpaper'” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and answer the question that follows. I went home and obeyed those directions for some three months, and came so near the borderline of utter mental ruin that I could see over. Then, using the remnants of intelligence that remained, and helped by a wise friend, I cast the noted specialist’s advice to the winds and went to work again—work, the normal life of every human being; work, in which is joy and growth and service, without which one is a pauper and a parasite—ultimately recovering some measure of power. Using this excerpt, select the answer choice that BEST answers these questions: 1. What is the BEST summary of this direct quotation that uses correct in-text citation? 2. What is the CORRECT format for this source as it would appear on an MLA-formatted, works cited page?-C
He made a step towards the shrub, with extended hand; but Beatrice darted forward, uttering a shriek that went through his heart like a dagger. She caught his hand and drew it back with the whole force of her slender figure. Giovanni felt her touch thrilling through his fibres. Which of the following choices CORRECTLY uses quotation marks and parenthetical citation? -D
Monique is writing a research paper on the Holocaust. She interviewed her next door neighbor’s grandfather who is a concentration camp survivor. When she included a quote from his interview in her research paper, she forgot to include a citation. Is this plagiarism? Why or why not?-D
Read the sentence below and answer the question that follows.
As Abagnale himself stated, his success “rested on three critical factors: his personality, keen observation and intense research before attempting any elaborate scam” (Bell). Why must the quotation marks be used in the sentence above?-C
Choose the sentence below that is correctly punctuated.-C (Morgan said, “I’ve watched all the episodes of Alias on the DVD box set except ‘Reckoning.'”)
What is the correct way to notate three feet, nine inches? -B
What is the correct way to punctuate the song title in the following sentence? Leaving on a Jet Plane, which was written by John Denver, is featured on the soundtrack of Catch Me If You Can.-C
Choose the sentence below that is correctly punctuated.-A
Read the sentence below, then identify how it should be changed to correctly use quotation marks. The first two chapters of the book Scams and Swindles are Identity Theft and Auction and eBay Frauds. -D
All of the following, except one, are uses for quotation marks. Which one is NOT a correct use of quotation marks?-A
Choose the sentence below that is correctly punctuated.-C (Zander’s favorite poem is “The Hollow Men,” which he first read in The Complete Works T. S. Eliot.)
Which of the following quotes is punctuated correctly? -B(“For five immature years, I lived a life of illusion and tricks” (Abagnale 6).)
George C. Parker, a con artist from around the 1900s, conned others into buying the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, Grant’s Tomb, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. How should the sentence above be changed to demonstrate the correct use of quotation marks?-A
World literature tends to be ________________ reading literature from our own country and culture.-B
Understanding the culture from which a story comes _______________.-C
World literature texts come from a variety of ___________.-D
World literature texts reveal information about the particular ______________ from which they come.-A
The Ramayana is a text from _____________.-C
The theme of this world literature unit is ______________.-B
______________ themes are applicable to any group or culture at any time in history.-B
______________ is an example of a universal themes.-E
Which of the following might present a language-related difficulty of reading world literature?-C
___________ the fact that world literature stories usually come from other countries and cultures, there is ______________ that we can take from their intended messages-B
Which of the following items is not one of the subjects of this story?-C
The Manders’s style of speaking shows that they —-A
At the high point of the plot, the title of the story —-B
What attitude does the headmaster seem to take toward the students?-C
Which of the following sentences could not be a statement of this story’s theme?-D
Margaret Spokes, the headmaster’s wife, can be described in one word: —-C
The basic situation of this story is —-D
What are Charles’s feelings as he rides away from the school at the end of the story?-A
What is the most important characteristic that Charles’ parents look for when choosing a school for him?-B
Author Penelope Lively first shows the reader that the school is not as fine as it pretends to be when she —-C
Which of the following scenes occurs first in the story?-B
What game is crucial to the plot of this story?-D
At the end of the story, Ravi —-C
Which of the following motives is most important for Ravi in the story?-B
The detail of the children’s lungs stuffed with wool is intended to convey a feeling of —-C
According to the narrator, play is —-C
The children in the story are related because they are —-A
The children’s parents are —-A
The shed in which Ravi hides can be characterized —-A
Which descriptive detail in the story is most likely to evoke an emotion of fear or eeriness?-A
Which line most accurately describes an important motif of the play?-A
Read the following passage, then answer the questions that follow. “And in such alienation grown so old / As leaves no other hope of heir to Poland / Than his two sisters’ children; you, fair cousin, / And me; for whom the Commons of the realm / Divide themselves into two several factions; / Whether for you, the elder sister’s child; / Or me, born of the younger, but, they say, / My natural prerogative of man / Outweighing your priority of birth.” What important cultural reference is Astolfo making in this speech?-A

Read the following passage, then answer the questions that follow. “Then if with any show of human kindness / He fling discredit, not upon the stars, / But upon me, their misinterpreter, / With all apology mistaken age / Can make to youth it never meant to harm, / To my son’s forehead will I shift the crown.” Which is the best paraphrase of this passage?-C
Why does Clotaldo protect Rosaura?-B
Why is Segismund freed from the tower in Act 3?-B
Why does Segismund behave so badly during his first time at court?-C
Read the following passage, then answer the questions that follow. “Then if with any show of human kindness / He fling discredit, not upon the stars, / But upon me, their misinterpreter, / With all apology mistaken age / Can make to youth it never meant to harm, / To my son’s forehead will I shift the crown.” Interpret Basilio’s motives.-C
Read the following passage, then answer the questions that follow. “And in such alienation grown so old / As leaves no other hope of heir to Poland / Than his two sisters’ children; you, fair cousin, / And me; for whom the Commons of the realm / Divide themselves into two several factions; / Whether for you, the elder sister’s child; / Or me, born of the younger, but, they say, / My natural prerogative of man / Outweighing your priority of birth.” What important conflict is Astolfo alluding to?-D
Capa y espada means “cape and sword.” What else does the term refer to?-A
Why is Rosaura dressed like a man?-D
What is the setting of the novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith?-D
How does syntax affect setting?-C
What is the difference between theme and universal theme?-C
Which scenario is an example of a topic that the universal theme for a particular work may cover?-A
Which of the following can be used to discover an author’s purpose?
I. details in the story
II. historical context
III. publisher’s life history
Which of the following is a universal theme that applies to the novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith?-B
What does an author use to affect the setting of the story?-A
Which of the following is not a universal theme that applies to the novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith?-C
Nniv did not go meet Mikal’s starship. Instead, he waited in the rambling stone Songhouse, listening to the son of the walls, the whisper of the hundred young voices from the Chambers and the Stalls, the cold rhythm of the drafts. There were few in the galaxy who would dare to make Mikal come to them. Nniv was not daring, however. It did not occur to him that the Songmaster needed to go meet anyone. Source: Card, Orson Scott. Songmaster. New York: Tor-Forge, 1987. Google Books. Web. 22 July 2011. Which phrase reveals setting?-A
What is universal theme?-B
Today we honor a wise teacher, an inspiring leader, and a true visionary, but to truly honor Dr. King we must do more than say words of praise.We must learn his lessons and put his views into practice, so that we may truly be free at last.Based on this passage, the reader can conclude that one purpose of Chavez’s speech is to-C
The details of this excerpt express which theme?-B
How do the examples in this passage best support Chavez’s purpose?-D
Economic pressure is the only language the growers speak, and they are beginning to listen.Please, boycott table grapes.Which persuasive element does Chavez use in this passage?-C
Which words from the passage most clearly state a goal of Chavez’s speech?-D
Which sentence clearly states the purpose of Chavez’s speech?-D
What is Chavez’s purpose in this passage?-D
Which phrase from Chavez’s speech uses details to support his argument that the grape boycott is working?-B
Which theme does Chavez communicate in this passage?-C
Which words in the passage show Chavez’s attempt to connect with his audience?-A
Based on the excerpt, Suzuki most likely believes that adults should behave-C
Which excerpt from “The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes” expresses an opinion?-D
In this excerpt, the author argues that -B
Which excerpt from “The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes” is a fact?-A
In this excerpt, the author argues that – privileged people should be willing to share with others
Which excerpt from “The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes” is a fact?-D
Why does Suzuki think people should “act as one single world”?-D
Which excerpt from “The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes” is an opinion?-D
According to Suzuki, to show love toward their children, grown-ups should-A
According to Suzuki, people in northern countries do not share because-D
Which statement best describes how Lincoln uses brevity to make an emotional impact?-A
Which line from Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address appeals to the audience’s emotions in a similar way?-D
How does “The Gettysburg Address” and “O Captain! My Captain!” compare in their use of pathos (the use of emotional appeals to affect the audience’s feelings)?-C
Which statement best describes the significance of comparing Lincoln’s death to the death of a captain on his ship in “O Captain! My Captain!”?-B
What is the speaker referring to?-A (Abraham Lincoln has tragically died)
Which extended metaphor does Whitman use throughout “O Captain! My Captain!?”-A
How does Whitman use the extended metaphor to refer to Lincoln’s death?-D
In this excerpt, Lincoln uses brevity to make an emotional impact-D
In this excerpt, Lincoln uses brevity to create a dramatic impact-D
Which rhetorical appeal do both excerpts use?-B
Which statement explains how the sentence structure contributes to the passage?-B
Which is the most likely reason that the speaker repeats the word “men” in the passage?-A
The “umbrella statement” for all parts of an argument in a speech is called the-A
How does the use of rhythm contribute to the ideas in the passage?-A
In “The American Dream,” the speaker uses rhetorical argument to persuade listeners that-C
Which phrase from the passage reflects an appeal to ethos?-C
How does the second part of the sentence relate to the first part?-A
The sentence that includes the phrase “that all men are created equal” is an example of-C
Rhetoric is defined as-B
A way to create rhythm in a speech is to use-D

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English 4 B (calpac). (2018, Jan 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-english-4-b-calpac/

English 4 B (calpac)
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