I pray that I may be a light in this dark world and that others may see Christ in me. By following His example, we can learn how to deal with difficult coworkers in a way that glorifies God. You should reject. Surround me with your divine hedge of protection. You are our helper, Mighty One, and you are no respecter of persons. It shows that we are willing to put aside our personal feelings and extend compassion and mercy to those who may not deserve it. I pray that they will realize what they are doing and turn from their ways. Anything planted in me or my office by evil remote control power, come out now, in Jesus name. 6. 11). Every habitation of cruelty, fashioned against my destiny, become desolate, in the name of Jesus. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 35 PRAYER POINTS AGAINST ENEMIES OF PROGRESS. Protect me, O Lord, from the craftiness of the enemy, and save . Related: Prayer for Enemies to Leave Me Alon, Related: Prayer to Cancel Evil Plan of the Enem, California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Policy. Protect me from all evil that comes my way. People rise against one another in a cut-throat environment. Father, protect us from our very sinful nature and help us always to reflect your love, your values, and your grace. I know that you love all of your children equally, and that includes those who are hard to love. Lord, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. Glory to God almighty, More Grace Man of God. God will keep you safe from the darker, more evil things in life. I declare that no harm will come to me, in Jesus name. Let your perfect love cast out all fear from my heart, so that I can fully love others, even those who are difficult to love. Your enemies are at work to stop you, but you shall resist them in Jesus name. Powerful Prayers Against Enemies - From King David. Every evil arrow fired against my life; go back to your sender now in Jesus' name. I also ask that You will surround me with more godly workers to help partner together in bringing Your kingdom in businesses. However, we are surrounded by envious people who steal our energy, happiness, and success at work. These prophetic prayers are meant to unleash the fury of God against any dark plots and conspiracy against you at your workplace, or in your business or career. You are truly my salvation and the only source of hope in the midst of the struggles that I face on a daily basis. That God should use their sword against them, Please pray for me on my job they fighting against me I wanna bigger and better job, Please pray for me my name is Marie and I have been married for 32 years. Father, today I come to you, bowing down in my heart, asking for protection against the evil one in my workplace. Thank you for sparing his life from death. 29. Father, expose every secret, responsible for delay of prosperity, in the name of Jesus. God bless you. We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles. Lord, I beg You to give me the strength and courage to overcome these problems. In Your compassionate name, I pray. O God arise, stand up for my help and let the destructive plans of the enemies against my good works, backfire now, in the name of Jesus. Lord, give me strength and courage. Oh Lord, anoint me to recover the wasted years in every area of my life, in Jesus name. I bind every spirit of fear, worry, and anxiety in Jesus name. Together, Lord, let us find peace in your embrace, so that we may forever strive towards a better world full of love, understanding, and hope. I lift my hands to the sky and implore You, O Lord; I put my hope in You because You are a God who is constant and just. Amen. Give those who work here a fair and generous heart so that the gift of sharing may happen and your blessings may be abundant. 20. Father, we come before you today to ask for your protection against our enemies at work. Proverbs 14:30 A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot. All prayers are powerful because we serve a living God. Please call: +2348099828623. O God arise, stand up for my help and let the destructive plans of the enemies against my good works, backfire now, in the name of Jesus. Enemies are everywhere and as Christians we should know that this world is a world of battle, as Christians our number enemy is the devil himself. Whatever the enemy is planning against me in this organisation, Holy Ghost fire, destroy them, in the name of Jesus. 4 4) Prayer to defeat your enemies every day. Mold me and make me into the person You want me to be. By your compassion and understanding, you see the danger that we face every day at work. Amen. Let all satanic computers set in motion to monitor my life be roasted, in the name of Jesus. Cover me with your very high and powerful arms. Thank u. Give me the wisdom to navigate it in a way that honors You and keeps me free from sin. My God, you are my hope and future. I pray that You would help me to see my enemies as You see them (even if it is a difficult relationship), and to love them as You love me. Please give me the strength and faith to know that you are always with me. Let your favor protect us. And so I will not be shaken or moved because I trust in You. Any satanic Poison eaten from the table of the enemy, depart from my life now, in Jesus name. 6. People fall over themselves to get ahead without regard to anyone else. Dear God, You are the ultimate source of all strength and power. When life is complicated, and I dont know what to do, please help me remember that you are with me and never alone. By the mercy of the living God, I shall not miss my divine allocation, in Jesus name. You are our Lord and our employer. "Deliver me from my enemies, my God! 1. I know that when I call on You, You will guide me and give me the victory over all my enemies at work. Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons we have against enemies at work, and when used consistently, it will help to break down their stronghold in our lives. It can be difficult to deal with difficult coworkers, but Christians are called to love their neighbor and treat them with respect, even if they dont always deserve it. Lord, shoot your arrows and let my enemies be scattered. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. Every satanic letter, go back to the sender, in the name of Jesus. I declare a prayer for strength at work. I lift up before You this situation where I am feeling persecuted by my enemies. Those planning to make trouble with me in order to set me up at my workplace, you shall not succeed, so therefore, i command you to write for your sack in Jesus name. We turn our gaze to you and to the sustenance you give us through work. I Bless those who curse me and pray that they receive Your Best. Help me in need, give me strength and energy in the face of my sadness, fatigue, affliction, and heaviness. To avoid this, we need to pray a prayer for protection against enemies at work. I declare that no weapon formed . I cannot bear being trampled on like I am nothing. The same problems are still here. In Jesus name, Amen. Father, many people died without fulfilling their purpose. 1. Save me from enemies too strong for me because you delight in me. 14. Let your strength defend us, and, through your incomparable protection, we advance more and more in the service of the Lord. May your angels of protection be always present fighting against the dark evil, those forces that we cannot see in our work-place. Lord God of Heaven's Armies, the workplace can be a vicious place. Youre a man of impact. Enemies At Work can be used by the devil to hinder the expansion and advancement of someone at his or her place of work. Give health to those who take the familys support from this place so that they always know how to sing praises to you. I cast the spirits behind my problems unto the fire of judgement, in the name of Jesus. Guide us from the troubles that walk in the dark and grant us eternal life in Christ, your Son, our Lord, and Savior. I fear them. It is a rat race, where people gladly destroy one another to get ahead in the game. 17. Protect our exit and our entrance from this moment and forever. 1 John 5:4, For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. What Does Psalms Say about Enemies at Work? 10) Oh God my defender, defend me from those too strong for me to handle. Any power that wants me to fulfil my destiny partially, die, in the name of Jesus. You may put yourself in the shoes of King David when his enemies were doing their best to destroy his life. Amen. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me," Says the LORD. I have compiled 50 aggressive prayer points against enemies at work. So please, Lord, help me to stay strong in my faith and to resist temptation. Amen. As spiritual warriors we do the same thing (but in different ways). No right is given without my recognition. Help me to fix my eyes on You and not on the things of this world. Amen. Help us to overcome evil with good, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who spitefully use us. Additionally, Psalm 23:5 tells us that God prepares a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. This verse is a reminder that even in the midst of our struggles, God is with us and will provide for us. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. A Prayer for Your Enemies. I pray that Your love will penetrate their hearts and minds and that they will come to know You as I do. Deuteronomy 28:7 The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways. 13. Any power using any of my boss or workers to attack me, your end has come, wither by fire, in the name of Jesus. I pray for your protection from all evil, especially at work. He will not abandon us in our time of need. May the Lord break every evil attachment in your life, in the name of Jesus. They lift upour soul. Provide me with enough comfort, so much so that I dont even remember them. * God is supreme. I take the shield of Faith, to stop the flaming arrows of the devil and close the way to doubts and incredulities. May the grace of Your Holy Spirit dwell within these walls so that there is no strife or disunity. These cookies do not store any personal information. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. Tempers are sure to flare and people will blow up on each other. This kind of people are under severe pressure. Thank you, Lord, for being with me always and granting me victory even in the hardest of trials. I know that you are all-powerful and can do anything. In Jesus name, Pray for me and my son that God should deliver us and protect us from any form of attack. 2, God pls opening every doors that the enemies have close for my life