The last time you made Peter flustered as friends, was during your confession of your feelings towards him. Some days, it looked like just a blob of black ink, and other days you were actually able to make out what it looked like. She forgets about Peter An Andrew Garfield oneshot collection including him and the characters he plays! CLEANER THAN THE FLOORS O y/n met peter parker one time at the one of the university bus stops & shared a pizza with him in the rain. Warnings: slight cursing and maybe its lame and cheesy but other than that, nothing, Authors Note: repost from my other account. I dont see anything. Hey guys, Peter greets as he sits down. Actually, he wasnt looking at you at all anymore. No, no definitely me. He blurts out then quickly blushes at his words. There, Peter says, retracting his hand with such force and speed that he slams his elbow against the table.Ah! he exclaims in pain. The second time is when the two of you met up over the weekend to have lunch at McDonalds. #imagine (y/n), where are you?. : You're gonna have to carry me.", "What are you smiling about?", and "You're lucky you're cute." Summary: Y/N and Peter have been friends forever, including a regular meeting to get coffee together and catch up on their lives. Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible! There was a beep and you sighed. You were left back at the tower to watch over things and deal with the government men in suits who were giving the Avengers a hard time. Ouch, He spoke, annoyed and you only rolled your lies. Your lips linger there for a moment, but pull away once you hear Aunt May cry, Perfect! Has someone hurt you y/n? How was your day? Peter asked, his eyes flickering around your face. Your neck is covered in bruises! Steve exclaimed which then caused Thor to look at your neck also. "What did you do? You were back at the Avengers tower waiting for everyone to come home from their mission. Oh, haha Peters face turned red too, blushing in embarrassment. All you can hear is your own breathing and the heavy thumping of your heart in your ears. And Peter has been great. And you giggle and simply put your arms around him. I hope you guys like this and if yall want anything more, feel free to send me a request! Bby boi here loves you so much, you're the very reason he's living and you're like AIR for him. You dug through your father's bins filled with paper from when your grandfather was alive to see if you could find anything about their soulmate tattoos. He knew it couldnt be a good thing. It kept you up at night. Before you leave, I have one question for you." Hey, baby, a soft voice says. Sky is the New girl in Queens and learning the hard way about the dangers of the city, she is saved by the local hero Spider-Man who falls deeply in love with her. Okay, so he did think you were pretty. That also meant you were in the full getup which included curled hair, bright red lipstick, tight black pants, the pink jacket, and of course the ribbon around your neck. Youre cute, you stated bluntly. Theres a pink flush on his face as he sits back in his seat across from you. The next Tony Starks. Peters fist clenched, I could turn on the water, we could throw little Romeo in and then all our problems would be over-. He fitted the web shooter on his wrist and aimed at his wall. I have to go talk to him now dont I?. EXTREMELY SMUTTY: 4 smutty 3. Peter couldnt stop himself from smiling at how adorable you were. You breathed out in relief and stood up from the chair, the sound of your joints cracking filling the room, a sign that you had been hunched over your laptop for way too long. Family Matters Pairing: Dark Peter Parker x (female) Reader Im cold and miss you.. You cant feed yourself and you cant walk. You sighed and turned to Steve, not sure what to say. He always volunteered to be on teenager watch and no one really understood why, except the three of you. The time of your alarm clock flashed in front of you as you tried to finish typing up your essay for English class that was due the next day. You dont bother to read over it and shut down your laptop. Peter, can I come in?. He gives you a shy smile before he leans down and covers your mouth with his. Wanting something to eat. The two of you were sat in one of the booths, eating your burgers and fries and just talking about whatever. Theres a bouquet of roses in his hands, and he shoves it towards you. He has spider powers, not heat powers. All I can think about is Ms. Murphys class and how Im not gonna get accepted to any university or college if I dont pass the stupid exam with at least an eighty percent., (Y/N) Peter trailed off. He opened up one of his drawers and grabbed all the various screws and things he had laying on the bed, throwing them into the drawer. I wouldnt think about it too much. Steve patted him on the shoulder. Reader and Peter have a secret relationship hidden from all the Avengers including her Dad, Tony Stark, but then suspicion grows among the team. Goodnight.. You know Peter, for a smart boy like you, you're incredibly stupid. reader tomholland tomhollandxreader +4 more I accidentally punched myself in the throat. It was Friday evening and that meant you could hang out with your boyfriend. You didnt wait for anything else, you turned on your heels and raced towards Peters room. are you the one leaving all those hickeys on peter? The thing was, Peter genuinely believed Loki had changed. You flicked a hair tie at Peters face, causing him to wake up suddenly. Looks like you had some fun while we were gone. Sam wiggled his eyebrows at you. Life is scary, theres a lot of sounds and bright lights. Because of these. you pulled back your hair, showing him his work. People say Saturdays are for the boys, but to you, Saturdays are for you and Bucky. "Shoot, kiddo," Steve put down the book he was reading and listened to what you had to say. The tattoos only appear after you have officially met your soulmate, meaning some people never get theirs. spiderman homecoming. You didn't really believe in the soulmate thing; it all seemed too strange for it to be real. Great, just great. You actually came! Suddenly losing your confidence, you slowly retract your arms back to yourself. Bringing the mirror up again to look at your neck, you gasp as you see the place that you punched yourself was now bright red and very obvious with your revealing shirt. Peter. Thor and Steve looked at each other confused. I was just about to take shower. We wouldnt have assumed that you hit yourself. Steve said with a smirk. He didnt know how to comfort you. And you were half asleep, groggy and half deaf because of the stupid fireworks outside, but Peter was kissing you and you loved him. He preached with a playful grin that he d A very shy reader has the inexplicable ability to make people ignore her completely. Looks like it wasnt that bad for you while you stayed here. With that, Peter turned away from you and went towards his room. "I'm learning about World War Two", Steve laughed, "You know my experience was much different than what they might be asking you. Spider-Man | Peter Parker Y/N | Adventure Fanfiction Mystery Peter Parker X Y n. Y/n was 5 years old when her parents died. You adjust your legs quickly to stop your laptop from slipping and hitting Peter in the face. He then pulls them to his chest. Classes to take and colleges to apply too. So they panic thinking someone has caused you harm. CA civil war. s3xual content and assault He pressed his lips to your forehead, bidding you a goodbye before he caught sight of the purple marks trailing down the side of your neck. It was lunch, and you were sat in the cafeteria trying to do some last minute cramming before your test next period. They can also change what they look like depending on what is going on during the day. No no no! He pulled away from you and smiled. peter hates the idea of soulmates. If you were going to hide it, at least you should have been more cautious. Tony hands you a mirror. Fuck, Im sorry, (Y/N/N), Peter apologized nervously. What did you do? Thanks, Aunt May, you giggle. You returned back to the Avengers Tower after spending the night at Peters house. What are you talking about? Come in!". Im going to go ask for some ice. And a flustered Peter gets up from the table, trying to hide his red face from you. Fan fictions about: Tom Holland, Peter Parker, Harrison Osterfield and Harry holland !! #peter That was great!. Things begin to heat up on Peter's end as he keeps paying you compliments, and Bucky takes things into his own hands. On your way to your room, just a floor up, you luckily didn't run into anyone. Bold of you to even assume you'll be left alone and have your privacy with this boi here. After a while, he still hasnt moved and his arms are still down, not touching you. You didn't really know many people your age, considering you've been homeschooled all your life. I just- you cut him off. Simultaneously, you and Peters eyes widened at the sight of it. You stick your tongue at the doorway in response, even though you know Peter cant see you. Running out in your oversized shirt and pajama pants, you skid to a stop when you see the whole team lounging around the kitchen and the dinner table. Hey, Pete, you greet back, crossing your legs on the bed once again and taking your laptop back in your lap. A small squeal escaped you, though Peter paid no heed to it. Oh no guys youve got the wrong idea. His eyes widened in horror, startling you. You were now fully awake, searching the room for any immediate threat. Your father asked, and you nodded, not saying anything. Thats weird, Ned said, his eyes obviously tired from raising little Juliet. " ' " , y/n never dreamed that she would meet peter parker. Ned intervenes at the moment by clapping. Holy shit. You stood up and pulled Peter up with you. Completely shocked and horrified, you rolled over and got up, thankful that no one was around to witness that. I need to pee, he blurted before getting up quickly from his seat. Everyone came over to give their own hug and pushed you around like a little sibling. Peter leaves you to finish up your work, and a few more minutes later youre done. I dont know why Peter got so upset though. It is Peter, he has dropped by for a quick visit. P-peter Parker." he manages to reply. You had to admit that it did look like a hickey especially on your neck. But the world we live in is the world where you have to meet your soulmate at least once before you get a sign. Peters hands faltered for a second, his cheeks turning redder. (Y/N), that was so amazing! Hurry up and give me warmth.. You blushed before pecking him on the lips and pulling him down on top of you. And another. Peter did what? your father shot you a look of disapproval, hoping it was all just a misunderstanding. You were playing one of the pink ladies in Midtowns version of Grease. All you wanted now was to have him back. -So then the kid at the park, he just licks his ice cream, the drops it in the grass and goes oops! as if he didnt mean to actually drop it. You giggle as you finish telling Peter the story. The force took you by surprise and it knocked you off the bed, landing you flat on your back looking up at your legs still on the bed. as well as Then you proceed to type on your laptop. You and him were the youngest of the group and no matter how much you tried to avoid it, you had a incurable crush on him. Whatcha up to? The haze of tiredness weighed your eyelids down, not letting you open them up. Why do you bother?" Requests are now open!! Then another. He blinked his eyes wildly. He stepped out of it and went to your closet to grab the spare change of clothes he usually left. He couldnt help but notice how soft and inviting they looked. Youd locked yourselves in your bathroom so you wouldnt disturb your sleeping family. Peter is head over heels for you, okay? But it also continued to mess with your head about who could be your soulmate. A/N: I don't usually write pure fluff (i'm assuming that's what you wanted) but this concept was interesting to me! So did Peggy Carter, but she told me they didn't end up together. He waited as you opened the window. Peter blushed, of course, his hands reaching up to the spot where you had kissed him, Woah.. You stepped in, but what you didnt expect to see was a red and blue figure standing in the middle of your room. Peter grinned and stood up. I cant believe you guys thought I brought someone over.. You watched as Peters eyes began to close again, Peter! You shouted. Peter youre so adorable! you squealed. "You know, Spider-Man. Rushing towards his room, you skid to a stop to knock on his door loudly. Natasha went after him to try and calm him down. Shut up, Ned. As the baby, safely made its way into the carrier, Peter turned to you with a soft smile on his face. Something had definitely changed within you because, instead of looking into his eyes, you looked at his lips. Requests Open We did it- You pulled Peter in, and kissed him on the cheek. The sound was basically porn to your eyes, everything in your body melted the second you heard it. The billionaire will then snap into protective father mode and team up with multiple members of the Avengers and defeat the monster that could steal their beloved kind of daughter's heart. upcoming blurbs based after 'just out of reach' and before the sequel 'if you need me' Come on, dont just smile awkwardly. Thought we were gonna watch a movie, Peter said. What the fuck? i'll give him your number so he can set it up later", she laughs and i imagine her cheeks are all rosy, i hang up and walk back inside, to see tony and peter in the same place where i left them, "y/n, i don't like you giving peter hickeys" tony starts, i roll my eyes and smile "how about you don't say anything about his and i won't say anything about yours", he looks at me confused "but i don't have any", "you don't have any yet" i say "aunt may said she won't say anything about peter's hickeys if you go out with her", tony looks at me for a second, stunned "like on a date? You had met Peter when he first came to the compound with your Dad, Tony Stark. Marvel | Reader Peter Parker | Fanfiction Romance Science Fiction Marvel Peter Parker X Reader In a world filled with "What the fu-" 's, you become part of Peter's crazy world with superheros and dangerous adventures. A small yawn escapes your mouth and you rub your eyes trying to keep yourself awake to finish the last paragraph of the essay you procrastinated on. You rubbed the back of his hands with your thumbs. What the hell were you thinking, hanging from the ceiling? you asked panicked. {2018-2019 era}, #flash Ill catch up with you later, okay? He starts to close the door but you shove both hands against it and push your way inside. She pulls away from you, and you see Peter right behind her. In which you get closer than expected to Peter during your school project. His face felt hot. The last night had been no exception, Peter had been over for a team meeting and convinced Tony to let him stay the night in one of the never-ending guest rooms. Give me attention, Parker, Im bored.. Its a few minutes later when Peter is out of the bathroom and back in the bedroom. Peter Parker just always saw the best in people. I did this. A small chuckle escaped his lips. It was just casual conversation really, about classes and homework you had. "This showed up a while ago," You showed your father your neck. #nerd This is my first one-shot ever, so if it sucks . Y/N! Spinning around, you saw Peter making his way towards you. If I ever get a hickey, its you that I want to give it to me, no one else., Reaching slowly up, you wrap your arms around his neck and watch his for any signs. Yeah, thanks (y/n).". You were all alone in the tower and you completely forgot where the thermostat was and you felt like you were in the damn Arctic. What happened on that mission?, How about your neck? Suddenly, the baby stopped its shrieking. Peter stood up from his place by the tub and, you thought he mightve decided to lead, but he approached you. If you loved me, youd be the big spoon, he says. (Y/N)! Peter exclaimed. It was Peter Parker who was very happy to see them both. Thats what happened to Peter. I w smut. I know its mainly my fault for procrastinating, but Johnsons a dick for wanting five thousand words.. Confused, you looked over his shoulder to the rest of the team to see that some were standing in alert and some were grimacing at the two of you. I would have killed you!". The unspoken rule in the Stark tower is that there are no boys allowed in the leader's daughter's room. Youre going to pass the test, dont stress yourself.. Stop, you muttered. In a romantic way.. masterlist was posted just under this post. Well, if it means anything to you, I think the curls make you look cute. You shut your locker, noticing how red Peter has become. No, youre not. Since becoming a couple, it was the smallest things you did that made Peter flustered. He was so sweet and you two were basically connected by hip. You said, picking up your bag as you stood so that you could go to your next class. So they panic thinking someone has caused you harm. His hand reach out and brushed back a lock of your hair behind your ear. #tomholland1996 strong language. Both times had been in the mists of a battle, where Peter actually thought either you or he was going to die. Steve moved your hair out of the way and turned your neck so he could see what was hiding. You know I love you, right? you asked just as Peter pressed play. Ned and MJ had a baby of their own that they were tasked with taking care of you. The one that's always super awkward around me," You nodded, a little laugh following. She said Peter did it to her. Thor is quick to explain the situation to them. The smell of pancakes roused you from your sleeping state. Its nearly 11 when you decide to take a bathroom break. Mr. It was supposed to teach everyone the responsibilities that came along with being a parent. Hey, (Y/N), he smiled. we taking the subway together?, I think were going to have a quiet weekend with the little one, Peter answered and you confirmed with a nod, Were out before nine p.m most nights anyways., Nine? MJ shouted, growing frustrated with this sudden and new dynamic, On a Saturday? What were you guys talking about before I came? Peter asks. #spider You, being the rebellious teenager that you are, couldn't give two shits about this rule. If you see a male specimen hanging around the tower or god forbid about to step into your room, you are to report directly to Tony Stark. He sat up for a second to pull of his shirt, then continued. He was either completely oblivious to all of your signs or was just a dumb dork that was too afraid to say anything. Oh, you say quietly. I just watched a Youtube video or two about how to make out and stuff, he mumbled. You know those moments when your unconscious mind takes over and makes you say or think something and immediately you have instant regret and start hating yourself for saying or thinking that thing? He had been there a few times, but it wasn't anything common. Dont lie, Y/N. What are you trying to fix anyway, you asked sitting up beside him and picking up random widgets from the bedsheets and observing them. Tony was also scared, not that he let you know that, though. You giggled, taking a Hershey's Kiss out of the packet in your bag and holding it out for him. Masterlist "Look I just think it's good if we spend sometime apart, maybe try again in a couple months" y/n spoke. Your hands found their way to the back of his neck, playing with the soft curls that fell on his nape. #ned Theres a moment of silence before Peter lets out a quiet, Oh., Its okay if you dont like me back, though, you blurt out as your eyes find his. He smiled in embarrassment as he took the chocolate from your hand. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!! "I have a question for you.". Summary: You're convinced that your best friend is your soulmate. But it was always too blotchy to actually tell if it was there or if you were seeing things. Ugh! Summary: Spending Friday night with peter parker and finding out that he has abs. No. Blind AU | COMPLETED 2021 Mostly because you had been holding in your pee for almost half an hour and if you didnt go right now, youd pee your pants. A lot had changed for you and Peter in those few days. "C-call (Y/N) here, FRIDAY," Tony said as Peter helped him into a chair. Peter may have felt comfortable stripping to his boxers in front of you, but there was no way you were going to strip in front of him, even if he had seen you naked before. By the way, you cut in to say, your hair looks different. Yes his snap even affected people in books. Yay! he cries. "Well, why am I killing you?". Did you do something with it?, Oh, Peter blushes, I didnt get time to put gel and straighten it this morning, so the curls are just everywhere.. A girl vanishes, weak, young and alone in her last moments of peace. ), "Hey, Steve," You sing-songed as you walked into the common room where the American flag himself was sitting. Sorry? you shrugged your shoulders awkwardly, feeling your cheeks flare from the embarrassment. What are you guys going on about?. Your face and body felt heated and you were breathing heavy. She felt it was not only unfair to her but also Peter. Its the twenty-first century, girls can ask guys out too, Ned explains. zocha515, Star_1716, onlyreasony, Fanaticalreader108, Hey_Little_Songbird, eeriequazar, vebbles, miwsov, pippins_poppin, Beyant1780, evojoe, NIGHTMONKEY77, SilentFaun, jrainsart, CuteRepMC4Youth, Lio26, rebexxa, Elisavettzz, reinacoree, lowkeyskata, CarryOn117, nancy_reads, Kei_is_sleeby, jamesm97, sleepy_dream, monarch_love, Alexstrasza, Bokkun, voicetobyungchan, icantsleep___zzz, Ice18, fleshguts, moonys_girlfriend, bawls, Elliot_Di, luviu, eddieneedssleep, PhantomsNemesis, BekahBechel, eat_a_doughnut, KuronekoDragneel, walking_goon, Xeiki, KittyFireClaws, robinaparker, tstbaby, possumpixie, kaelasu, palomaestrella10, ssmartiess, and 244 more users When looking at Peter Parker, you wouldn't assume that the kid has any game; but holy shit he does. Choosing to leave it to Fury, she never expected her to become New York's newest vigil Mini stories about our lil bean, friendly neighborhood spiderman slash Peter Parker He chuckles too then licks his lips. With everyone gone, the tower felt so empty and quiet. It was at that moment Peter was hit with the realization that he had a crush on his friend. Until, thanos snapped. How would I have a soulmate?". Wanting a more normal lifestyle as a teenager in new york, she convinces her dad, Tony, to l. spidermanhomecoming peterparkerimagines tomholland +5 more # 5 'Just Out Of Reach' Series Blurbs by marlie b. You had met them before, as the legend says, but no one you were around regularly had mentioned the strange tattoo to you before. There, he said. You cringed just thinking about what would happen if your father found out you snuck Peter in your room. He continues to stare at you as you take it out of his hand and check your face with it. Just let me finish fixing this real quick, (Y/N), Peter said still focused on his web shooters. Wanting a more normal lifestyle as a teenager in new york, she convinces her dad, Tony, to l Just some imagines of my favourite , soft, boy, Tom Holland . "You've met your soulmate, and the world is trying to connect the two of you," Your father quietly told you.