You loved it when he hummed or chuckled, especially when you could feel it resounding in his chest. Stark, maybeY/n should be given a break from undercover missions for a while, Steve said, glancing in my direction with a worried look. Once given the news, Techno rushed home to find Y/n walking through the garden. Im so sorry my request ended up triggering you! *** REQUESTS ARE CLOSED AS I HAVE #awesamdude What was the first kiss like? She was gone Now, there was no one here to stop me from my reckless thinking. Oh wow, Purpled this is amazing, she whispered as she made her way up to the plaque so she could read what it said. mcyt x reader oneshots - i want you (quackity) - Wattpad But it is there, you just won it back Will, he replies, stepping closer. We stayed like that until Tommy had run out of fireworks to light. And yes! I meant to post this months ago but i forgot about it and it has sat in my drafts ever since. Summer pictures with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot, Beach day with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot, Pictures In The Rain with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, and wilbur soot, Skiing and snowboarding with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot, date photos with dream, george, sapnap, karl, quackity, niki, wilbur, academia photos with dream, george, sapnap, karl, quackity, niki, wilbur, halloween pictures with dream, george, sapnap, karl, quackity, niki, wilbur, cw: fake blood, and like knives and stuff, random pictures with dream, george, sapnap, karl, quackity, niki, wilbur, dreamwastaken, georgenotfound, sapnap, karl jacobs, quackity, nihachu, wilbur soot, phelia | minor | content for dsmp x reader | mainly fem! He said hed be done in five minutes, he said that 30 minutes ago. "To finish your stupid fucking tower." He looks from me to the watermarks on his shirt, and back again. Y/N shivered slightly standing her ground. Warning:Lime content beware ;) But as I reach the stairs and begin to climb them, the flight below me collapses. I bite my tongue as my mind races with replies that would not end on a good note. His face was angry as he sat back down in his chair. Bye!. Cw: use of Gods name (not sure if it needs to be here, but just in case ofc), just Quackity being a simp. Hey! Tommy, I dont like this, I say, pulling my arm out of his grasp and backing up. How do they express their feelings? "Ludwig! Well, as free as he could conceivably construct in his mind. Okay, I will admit I trail off. Charlie sat off to the side, unaware of the anger that was coursing through Quackity's veins. This causes you to laugh harder. You wanna cuddle with me, dont you~?, I do, but I want to finish zhis chapter more., Why does the book get your attention so much?. Are they empathetic? A/N: I know its not the Fourth of July but Ive had this idea for forever so I wanted to write it. Big Q has a habit of giving me nicknames but saying them in Spanish. Why are you acting like you need to do something this minute but you dont want to? I ask, tilting my head to the side. I love you Quackity spoke. I hear a lot of, Ooo, coming from the boys still in the call. Ludwig you whined as you walked over to the said German who was currently sat on the sofa reading, you tugged at his black tank top but he just ignored you so sat on the sofas arm next to him before calling out his name again, But it wasnt like there was any difficulty finding him. It had all three members on itPrussia, France, and Spain, looking as great as they always did. N icknames - What do they call their s/o? Do you really want to take that risk? Phil asks me, I can hear the hope in his voice that I wont take the risk. This has to be done, there is nothing else we can do. The hospital. I unlock my phone to see multiple messages from the boys. I cant be reminded of her shagged breaths, pained whimpers, or scream of pain as the blade pierced her skin. Do you really expect me to? "I'm moving back to Italy with fratello's. Turn that off! That is when he's sober. But she wanted him back. All translations in the description I look up to find the one and only Peter Parker, perched on the landing above. I ignore him, and sprint forward, launching towards the pipe that I pray will hold my weight. Pass me that, would you? Peter asks, pointing to the cup of water on the counter. Y earning - How will they cope when theyre missing their partner? Good morning Ludwig, He nodded his head in acknowledgement while Blitzkrieg sat w, Now that your suffering was finally over, you were holding your precious newborn son to yourself, with hot tears of happiness on your cheeks. Drawing a tre, Germany x Reader Pinky Promise Especially if those people have never met you in real life. im sure blade appreciates the compliment on their fic <33 - glatt, Hello everyone! He was already bathed and now covered in a blue blanket. His hands were warm on my ears, and I couldnt seem to make myself look away from his eyes. But there was one thing that was not in the background, and that was your phone. But I want you +. Im tired, physically and mentally, I just want a break. i do touch on relationships that he was apart of that were/are canonical. Fluff Alphabet with Quackity! - requests: closed! Im so fucking stupid, I knew better than to leave my room at that hour. buuuut i could turn on this little lamp." you said, making your way to your desk and turning on a cute little lamp the shade of warm pink. Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? -Quackity isn't insecure so he doesn't get jealous too often -Keyword OFTEN -He ofc has his moments just like everybody else. -He can get really jealous when y'all are out with friends and you're paying more attention to them than him especially if it's someone like Dream or Wilbur I definitely question my choices lol, I have so many drafts that I need to finish! simping. He loves for you to lay your head on his chest. You were so entirely in love with Quackity that happiness was all you could feel in the moment but at the same time you were nearly afraid that this small moment would end all too soon. The glass shattered against the wall when he threw it. When we started, we had no idea how far wed go, but reaching this milestone made us realize were in it for the long haul. #punz Technoblade: Spooning. Schlatt: Back to Back. T, Germany X Reader ~ Comfort Quackity walked up behind her wrapping his arms around their waist. It just sounds so nice, especially while singing. Hey chat! I say waving at the camera even if I feel like a complete idiot doing so. Series Summary - Throughout the Years Wilbur and Y/n had stuck together. (he says hell divorce Tubbo cuz he loves you :]]), after the stream, he will most definitely apologize for the joke (even if you didnt take it seriously), hes just so scared hes doing something wrong (haha relatable), overall hes really sweet and he loves you so damn much, and if you stop replying to his dms he will start tagging you in his tweets, you cant help but think how adorable he is, you finally answer to his dms and hes SO happy, mans will also brag about you ALL THE GODDAMN TIME, friendly reminder that i got a gf sooner than you, you and Phil laugh in the background while Wilbur jumps off a bridge (in minecraft ofc) to show how depressed he is in a joking manner, overall Tommys friends all know you from the very first day you two started dating, and they really like you cuz youre the only one who can control Tommys chaotic behavior, even tho youre also quite chaotic yourself, Tommy ofc also gets calledsimp many times and hes threatening to hunt down all the people that call him that, cuz not only it makes him uncomfy, but also you, addingand if you call me a simp, me and Y/n will hunt you down :) in the beginning of his vids became a tradition. Thank you so much <3 I didnt know if you wanted c!dream or not, but you said you liked my other dream fic, so I figured Id keep it in the same universe! Her hair bounced behind her with every large step. "Get the fuck out of my face and finish the damn tower.". Ghostbur, I know youre just trying to help, but we should get going, Tommy said, trying to make Ghostbur keep walking. (Ghostbur x Gn!Reader). The week had been busy, and you were happy that it was finally over. When things get too full and overwhelming Ill create separate masterlists for each different fandom. A/N: I- I had to stop writing after Wilbur tells Y/n Close your eyes and rest my love because I was crying so hard. Now, please leave Cap.. LUDWIG!!!!" "Look chat! Quackity asked. It was hard to think of marriage and love. Im gonna take that silence as you are in that building. But I cant live in this place knowing that she she died here. Y/N came to a halt. She walked quickly heading for Schlatts office. Everything could be done tomorrow or the next day. Techno had a plan in place in case something were to go horribly wrong. irl!mcyts having a long-distance relationship w you! (romantic with techno, older sibling to ranboo), self promo until i update the first intro chapter haha. Me being one of the only girls along with Niki has its perks. Ludwig bookmarked his page and set it down on the table near. It was your good friend Dave that was bothering you. I come back to my senses as a sharp piece of metal pierces my skin. Fluff alphabet courtesy of @magical-warlock <3. ), Who Could Ever Hurt You? He loves to play stupid roblox games, or minecraft with you! it always seems to help. #twitch He visibly flinched with every stifled crunch his shoes would create in the hardened, frozen ground, and at every snap of a twig beneath his weight as he continued almost wading his way through the depths of the freshly fallen snow, picking his feet over the mounds and observing them vaguely. Like, he can be a real asshole sometimes! Even though Wilbur isnt alive with her, she knows that he wouldnt want her to give up. Yes! The Casino was the highlight of Las Nevadas, next to the Space Needle. Love, All of the SMP.. Yeah, so it turns out, Im so mentally exhausted that I have no control over my abilities! Just then, as if things couldnt get any more tiring, the tower alarm went off, signaling that the Avengers were needed. Hiya love you whispered quietly as if his ears where delicate pieces of china that would shatter with any sound that clamoured louder than a whisper. They didnt know how shed react to seeing this new version of her lover. C!Jschlatt x Reader-Short Oneshot. What? I say quietly. Out of no where, Tommy jumps up and yells. you thought he'll make a comment about your awful mascara . Yo Could I get a coffee shop au for Karl? He hadn't meant to be heard. #dreamsmp You were the happiest on earth and you gently stroked his tiny back. He nuzzled into her neck. 44.2K 814 34 Sighing, you leaned back and waited his response, quietly listening to rain before a ding interrupted you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Cute and silly photos with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot. I better end this before Big Q and N/n get into another fight. #tommyinnit I looked over to see the chat spamming their ship name for us, S/n. This was a request from my Wattpad, Lyssa_ily. He turns to me, letting out a long breath. She/Her, Wattpad Writer, singer, songwriter, and Twitch Stream ( REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive? John Egbert X Reader [Homestuck]- Rainy Day Key: [CH] - chum handle initials The gentle tapping of the rain as it pelted the walls and roof of your home was the only thing else to be heard than the quiet keys being clicked by nimble fingers. I cant do this! Niki was the first person to react when she heard her best friends voice. Its fun, especially when you get competitive, he loves to see you excited about it. I could hear Tonys frustrated sigh through the earpiece. Shut up! Besides, you're going over to a friend's house; hopefully, he won't be too mad. He tended to her healing wounds, and even though he wished he didnt need to, he told her what had happened. Y/N flinched trying to stand up straighter. - youre gay- can read- support gay people- want to hold a match between your fingers as you wander the halls of an ancient castle because its your only source of light amidst the ghosts of people long past- are an antelope- or want a chocolate bar. He just likes to be touching you. #nihachu But things take a slight turn in the wrong direction when Tommy not only sets off fireworks, but when he also sets off Y/ns fear of loud noises. I see no party. It wouldnt matter to him, youre still his partner, but if you suggested you wanted to, he would propose at night, going to some random park you guys frequent and sitting looking at the stars with you. What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life? Hidekazu Himaruya [Is that the guy? But now he just yells for the fun of it. But the past is in the past. I say. It never mattered what side of a war you were on, we still loved you and you were still there for us. And what made you come to that conclusion? I ask back, trying to sound more confused than annoyed. #quackity x male reader. You werent even aware of what was running on the television, it was just there for background noise. Y/N straightened her tie. barbara Can i request quackity x reader, where they are in - Tumblr