Rorrers defenders remind me of a case in my home town There was a killer who confessed, was caught on video committing the murder and was seen committing the crime by an eye witness. Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple that infamously pointed guns at demonstrators who were marching past their house last summer, have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges in the incident. Why bother with this site, which isnt for professional criminalists/forensic scientists, if youre going to get so tetchy and rude? Keep in mind that 34 hairs are in custody of the state police, so where are the other 4 hairs? "Please do the right thing for Melissa.". But defense lawyer Robert Pfeiffer said that plenty of evidence supported Patricias innocence. Media galore. FBI agents watched them deliver grocery bags to the house and then followed them to a shopping center in Southlake where they dumped trash from the home, prosecutors said. The hair evidence is not compelling because theres a very good possibility that the evidence was compromised. Youre right about my comments on other sites, but those seem to have an abundance of hate-mongers who feel no need to mince their words hence my retorts to those. They tested the hair last night on Reasonable Doubt using updated technology it is definitely Patricias. Are you even aware theres a strong suspicion that evidence of the hair, which was DNA matched to her, was tampered with? There are a number of issues in the case, Kelley said in a letter to his associate, Christopher Darden, including the competency of counsel, prosecutorial misconduct and, of course, compelling legal error by the court.. This FBI report, of the hairs being unable to yield a DNA result because of the absent root material, was never revealed to Rorrers defence. The article also notes that most inmates earn around 19 cent an hour at their jobs and must pay $5 each time they need medical attention or medicine. And Andrews explanation of how the intruder got in through the basement door seemed contrived, according to Grube, who gave an interview to Wrong Man, a 2020 true-crime docuseries from the Starz network, which produced two episodes called The Hang Up about the Rorrer case. There are innocent people in prison. I hope she rots in hell. Pfeiffer and Burke claimed that police Sgt. Police identified the pair as Joann and Alex Katrinak. That documentary points out that, despite the bodies of the two victims supposedly being exposed for several months, their condition remained relatively undisturbed by weather or animal activity. Well of course it is, so you overstated your opinion as though you know it to be fact, thus the jury and others were wrong; ironic because youre quick to complain that others are much to sure of *their* opinion shes guilty. Im sorry for the distress this awful business must have caused. I have to wake up every morning with the freedom that God gave me knowing that my sister is incarcerated for life and that my lies put her there, Larry wrote in a letter to the LAPD after he had been freed. Watch Wrong Man season 2, and then come back and make comment. The girls mother, Patricia Said, fled with both girls in the week before their killings because she was in great fear of her life, police said. Read the crime and public safety news your neighbors are talking about. SHE IS NOT GUILTY OF THESE CRIMES. A Pittsburgh-area woman missing for over 30 years and declared legally dead several years ago has been found alive in Puerto Rico, authorities in Pennsylvania said on Thursday. Ex-boyfriend Walter Blalock said that Patricia wanted him to be more like Andrew. Andrew told investigators that the unpleasant phone call between Joann and Patricia happened just three days before his wifes disappearance. They allege that the North Carolina resident stealthily drove 500 miles to Pennsylvania and killed out of a sense of deadly indignation. They theorize that Andrew Katrinak framed Patricia and that the hostile phone call between Patricia and Joann actually took place not on Dec. 12 as Andrew said but rather on Dec. 7. From what Ive seen its pretty obvious Patricia did do that to this poor woman and the baby. They told him that if he testified against his sister, Patricia, he would be able to get out of prison sooner. Oh, and she was so obsessed with him that she started dating and found herself a boyfriend that was not only younger, but much more attractive than Andy? Its nine minutes into the video. Yaser Abdel Said, 63, was arrested Wednesday by agents in the small town of Justin, about 36 miles northwest of Dallas, officials said. Sad discovery. Hoist by your own petard. ), And in another bombshell, Joanns good friend Karen Devine said Joann planned to leave Andrew after the holidays. Gail Gattrell, the sisters great-aunt, described the deaths as an honor killing which are often carried about by a relative who believes a woman went against conservative Islamic values on love or marriage. Or the ME and the entomologist that explained how impossible it would be for that baby and mother to be out there for four months, deceased at that, and still be as intact as they were, and the fact that the baby was double the size of a three month old child. Unbloody vehicle. Joann Katrinaks Killer Still Has Innocence Advocates(A Woman Scorned, Forensic Files). Strands of the accuseds dyed-blond hair at two crime scenes proved it. For this week, I looked into the defenders reasoning as well as Patricias whereabouts today. After Joann Katrinak, the wife of Patricias former flame, turned up dead along with her infant son, prosecutors suspected Patricia. And about the only thing from your comment with which I can agree, is you saying thats not proof theyre right in reference to their verdict. Incriminating words. Owens called him "the devil" and said he deserved a punishment much tougher than life in prison. Her jealousy and rage because Joann told her to not contact her husband set her off. Theres also the matter of a woman who suddenly remembered she saw Joann with another man at a Food Mart store five days after the disappearance. I decided to just plead guilty to get it over with.. I noticed that her defense lawyer and others advocating for her is not mentioning more about the gun. Just saying. Im sorry Sally, I know you want someone to blame for the death of your daughter and grandson, but the person who actually killed her is serving a life sentence in another facility in Pennsylvania. Inside the locked 1992 vehicle, police discovered some strands of blond hair stained with dried blood. Jerry Browns office, because of Wrights Three Strikes sentence of life without possibility of parole (LWOP), she does not qualify for medical parole. They also raised concerns about what they considered a lack of evidence, including the lack of fingerprints and eyewitness reports the place Said at the crime scene. Ten months after Joann died he murdered another woman (who looks just like her) and her baby, as well. You people are fighting a losing cause! She hasnt, she didnt get a hard enough sentence. Re Routier, the claim that she inflicted a potentially fatal injury on herself by no means indicates another perp: she could have inflicted it in ignorance, as a suicide attempt, or in a semi-psychotic state. So you see, MY STATE OF MIND is based on factual information. He had worked as a semi-pro boxer in Las Vegas in his youth and later settled into his own construction business. Highly charged case. Blasczyk said she is pleased with the outcome of the case. Judge Richard T. Fields will be presiding over the case and Public Defender Ruby Ramirez will be representing Patricia for the Riverside County Public Defenders Office. But in October 1998, the LAPD established a cold case task force and reopened the murder case 17 years after Jerome Scotts death. Patricia Rorrer has been portrayed as a bully, petty thief, neglectful horse owner, and heartless killer or a sweet, caring friend railroaded by authorities desperate to solve a double-murder case that snagged worldwide interest. 2}Wo).hf}~g={g::y]peb78R,;>59_'cuB F4QyU&9G=#0 I dont think she was ever scared until we put the cuffs on her.. After her arraignment, she had to walk past a crowd of dozens of locals screeching hang her! and baby killer! Patricia clung to a Polaroid picture showing her and her own little girl. Angry that Joann hung up on her, she stalked her for three days, then broke into her basement and cut the phone line, put a gun to Joanns head as she was placing Alex in the car, and forced her to drive to the rural area. The womans whereabouts were relayed to law enforcement in Ross Township last year, Deputy Chief Brian Kohlhepp said. I dont think so. Why is this even a question, why people are trying to take out killers into society? Three days later, Joann had plans to pick up her mother-in-law, Veronica Katrinak, to go Christmas shopping. Andy did end up moving to Colorado with her and the last time I checked, they were still together. The District Attorney got this one right. The fact that her jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped. They were there in the winter months in which the bodies would have been frozen most of the time. Today, Patricia Lynne Rorrer resides in State Correctional Institute at Muncy, a medium and maximum security facility that has the highest rate of cancer of all prisons in Pennsylvania, according to a story from Perhaps that would lessen your fright. And Patricia wasnt all edges. Im inclined to think both Rorrer and Routier are guilty. However, while sticking solely to the Rorrer case, the issue of the husbands alibi is very much open to doubt if one takes into consideration what the documentary, STARZ-The Wrong Man (in two parts) has revealed. Said's defense attorney said he will be filing a notice to appeal. I've been thinking about them the last two weeks every morning when I wake up and close my eyes," she said. The defense also criticized Irving Police and federal investigators, claiming they did not properly investigate the case or look for other suspects. Patricia is a evil monster. A Texas father one of the FBIs Ten Most Wanted Fugitives wanted for the slayings of his two teen daughters was busted after more than 12 years on the run, the federal law enforcement agency announced. WebAmina and Sarah Said were murdered by their father Yaser Abdul Said an Egyptian immigrant on January 1st 2008. His father confirmed his alibi that they were doing construction work together, putting an addition on the house of friends Tom and Kathy Holschwander, at the time of Joanns disappearance. It was winter which are cold in PA and would slow down decomposition and minimize insect activity although you are correct about the rodentswhy were there none? (even though hes married and has a baby) Who does that?!! Together they had a baby girl, Nicole. Its not logical to say we know the truth unless we seen it for ourselves. She hadn't lived long enough.". Then international law enforcement was contacted. We've received your submission. Kidnapped and killed? The Free Patricia Rorrer page responds to comments from supporters (How is this even possible that this woman is still in jail?!? It was total shock. Which, for this very reason, is at present being investigated by a federal judge? Youre so fixated with her guilt, youre unable to see other factors that show this case to be a disgraceful travesty. He wanted to move to Colorado and she was against it.. And the obvious answer is not as you claim. "I want to apologize personally for the fact that my husband wasn't a strong enough human being to admit his wrongs and be able to take his rightful punishment willingly," she said. Its an opinion learnt from a well-researched book, from documentaries which show and mention a great deal of facts and evidence which was never brought up at her trial. You say by definition! Theres speculation and theres lies period. He was happy. The fat cow is guilty as hell and I hope she continues to have the shit kicked out of her in prison every day of her useless life. Im a hunter and in the spring I have found many dead deer that died from starvation or other reasons and the bodies are untouched. WebHis ex-wife and the mother of the teens, Patricia Owens, watched Said as the judge sentenced him. There was a push for a mistrial, but a 16-year prison sentence was negotiated instead. Those bodies would have been manipulated by something around there. Or did they? And for you to even ask why documentaries are biased, makes me wonder if you have the ability to determine fact from fiction! Why wouldnt they let any of her witnesses testify? Relatives at the time told cops that Yaser threatened bodily harm against Sarah for going on a date with a non-Muslim. Her alibi about going to the club, called Cowboys Nitelife, got fuzzy when investigators discovered she hadnt signed the guest book on that day. Why would it be an irony for a person to express his opinion? Saphira Wolf forgive me, but I dont have the time, or wish, to respond to idiotic comments. According to the autopsy report, Patricias husband, Jerome Scott, had only a few months to live because of a health problem involving a bloodless liver and pancreatic fibrosis. Not normal folks obsessed ones do. Plus a FB group that I was in included some people who grew up with her and they confirmed that she was indeed a horrible mean person who was easily enraged and always looking for a fight. They claim in a 911 call from the night of the murders, Sarah said her father was attacking her. Sorry ladiesher hair was in the car and at the scene.she murdered them. Said showed no emotion as the verdict was read. The couple was not allowed to have contact during court proceedings. More hairs there. Maybe then you will see the wrongful conviction! Its nothing short of a feeble stab hoping to impress but really amounts to splitting hairs, or to put it another way, hot air with no substance. New state, new man. An infant was lying face down on her stomach. In 1981, Patricia Wrights second husband, Willie Jerome Scott, was found stabbed to death in his mobile home park in Los Angeles. And Patricia did live in another state. Before Said was taken away, he heard two victim impact statements. Police were led to the Prues by a business card found in Jenkins' home for Allen Prue's snow-plow business and a report that the Prues had called Jenkins about trouble with their vehicle. Feb 7, 2017 Patricia A. Giddings, seated beside Keeseville-based attorney Jacob Painter in Clinton County Court on Tuesday, spoke only to affirm she understood the proceedings. I agree. ALL IT THEN BECOMES IS A SOURCE OF INACCURACIES AND SPECULATION, WHICH ONLY SERVES TO BOLSTER THOSE WITH THAT MENTALITY AND PERPETUATE THE LACK OF TRUTH. I happen to be one of those deluded people youre so freely attempting to insult. A federal jury found Yassein Abdulfatah Said, 59, guilty on one count of conspiracy to conceal a person from arrest, one count of concealing a person from arrest and one count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. Im sure shes innocent adds nothing other than to tell us your state of mind! And this was never disclosed to Rorrers Defence. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and 45 counts of using a firearm She believed she was chosen as one of Gods 144,000 bond servants on earth, and gave up all her other hobbies, such as dancing, to devote her life to spreading the word of God. I had never been in jail before and I wasnt allowed to go outside. And she called 911. Combination locks. Patricia defaulted on her mortgage and then returned to North Carolina, where she eventually moved in with a boyfriend named Brian Ward. Why would somebody tell you, theyre going to fry me, if they didnt do it? Jarrett told Wrong Man. The Worldwide Womens Criminal Justice Networks website also points to a bombshell: In 2015, the Justice Department acknowledged that most of the team members from an FBI microscopic hair comparison unit gave prosecutors flawed data from 1980 to 2000 that could have unjustly contributed to a number convictions including Patricia Rorrers. It could be coincidence, but I really doubt it. Its a video on Utube Judges For Justice featuring her case. Black said she was glad Said took the witness stand, giving her the chance to poke holes in his story, exposing him to everyone who has been watching this case. I was able to email with Patricia via the PrisonConnect platform around Christmastime. And, why is it reasonable to believe lay people accept the jury verdict? The media love the femme fatale., FBI lab blunder. His defenders claimed that the confession was coerced, the video was grainy/unclear or doctored and the witness was confused and/or unreliable. Well, at least you managed some sense there when you say that, especially when you take into account the amount of evidence and witnesses which were withheld from the Defence and what appears to be a clear case of evidence-tampering. As for the words exchanged on the call between the two big-haired women, Joann told Andrew that Patricia had used profanity; Patricia said it was the other way around. Four months after Joanns disappearance, farmer Paul Kovalchik reported seeing what at first looked like a pile of clothes on his land in Heidelberg Township woods, about 15 miles from the Katrinaks house. As to blood splatter, at a far enough distance, a .22 isnt going to leave much blood splatter, and there probably wont be an exit wound, it will just bounce around the skull, and you dont have to make someone bleed to beat them, and several months in the elements is plenty of time to wash away some evidence as well, although luckily not all. Both were deceased. During Patricias hours-long turn in the witness chair, Michael McIntyre grilled her relentlessly. Im dying. Barry Grube, one of the few, if not only, police officers sympathetic to Patricias cause, noted that Andrew didnt seem particularly frantic while authorities searched desperately for his wife and son. Agree with all you say but theres so much more involving incompetence, corruption, evidence tampering and then witnesses, in Rorrers favour, who were not disclosed to her defence her trial (something they were legally obliged to do). She failed miserably to convince me, or anyone else who mattered, of her innocence. So the issue that he was picking up men in downtown Los Angeles was irrelevant to the case although that couldve been a lead to the killer. A Pennsylvania woman who went missing more than 30 years ago in a case that stumped authorities who later declared her legally dead has been found living in a nursing home in Puerto Rico. Whats worse is that shes innocent. Some lawyers call microscopic hair analysis junk science that today wouldnt qualify as evidence in a trial like Rorrers. The jury deliberated for three hours after Thursday's closing arguments. It showed her usually all-brown hair haphazardly highlighted blond. Murder in Lehigh Valley: Keith Morrison Reports, The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Joanne Chambers and Paula Nawrocki: Strange Lesson. And the obvious answer is Ill tell you why (which really is common knowledge). because theres money to be made from the commercials added into their show. At the time of the killings, police said that there had been domestic problems in the family and that they were exploring all possible motives for the slayings. The FBI even included a written report to that effect. Joanne didnt go missing until December 15, an entire week and a day later. But then again I havent actually SEEN the evidence. And the point the hair in her hand wasnt tested was because they didnt need it since they had the killer shame on everyone who went along with that. Those that think that Patricia is innocent are simply groping at straws. The first rule of a murder is motive. And finally, your supercilious comment about Speculative lies Ive perused my previous comments and at no point do I see those words! She wanted all men to give her attention but she couldnt have everyones attention, especially ANDREWS!!! They were able to match 5 hairs all the same micro DNA which happened to match the DNA pulled from blood samples Pat gave. Ls HUe7C22R>_%m~e5?h And for you to even ask why documentaries are biased, makes me wonder if you have the ability to determine fact from fiction! They are a joke. Simpson says there is reasonable doubt in Murdaugh murder case, Ex-Beyond Meat COO pleads guilty to felony after taking a bite out of strangers nose in uncontrollable rage following football game, Mullet streaker bellyflops into pond at pro golfs Greatest Show on Grass before hes arrested, 'I'm a father and I couldn't do this': Florida man convicted of murdering almost 3-month-old baby boy, Jan. 6th rioter who stole Officer Michael Fanone's badge following Capitol assault pleads guilty, 'We really thought she was dead': Long-missing Pennsylvania woman discovered alive in Puerto Rico after 30 years, 'Things went horribly wrong': Devastated family sues mortuary over wrongful cremation, 82-year-old woman pronounced dead at nursing home, but funeral home found her breathing: Authorities, California Cops Looking For Man Who Left Human Remains On Police Station Counter, Why Man Who Sued Sheriff For Wheel of Fugitive May Have Claim: Analysis. Lawyers pleaded their cases in closing arguments to 12 jurors and three alternates for nearly two hours Tuesday morning. Authorities said they have no evidence that Jerome had cancer or was dying. Im new to the case, but there seems to be a lot of reasonable doubt. Entries in Patricia Prue's journal included vague descriptions of a joint fantasy that she and Allen Prue shared and were looking to fulfill. Yaser Said was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the murder of his two daughters Amina and Sarah Said in 2008. I cant lose them, he told the media. He took two tests and there was deception detected in BOTH. Opinion: the ideas that a person or a group of people have about something or someone, which are based mainly on their feelings and beliefs, or a single idea of this type..