Click here for 2010 Messages Book of Truth, ***Please click below to read online and download a free PDF copy of the SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD. Every word they uttered was thrown back in their faces. Virgin Mary: My Sons Church on earth will not listen this time, yet they know how my Son was treated the first time The speed of this Mission, which has taken the world by storm, is being fuelled by the Power of the Holy Spirit. My daughter, tell My children that I do not relish the thoughts of punishing My children, for I love them. The Marian Fathers are perhaps best known for their work promoting the message of Divine Mercy from Stockbridge, Massachusetts. My child the pain endured by my Son and His disciples during the time of His mission on earth is identical to that which is to be endured by His followers as He prepares to come again. This article, originally published on February 2, 2013, generated so many comments that the limit was reached. Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Most of Gods prophets were despised, mocked and considered to be heretics. Comfort one another in times of spiritual trials and God will guide you every step of the way. I cherish the souls of every one of Gods children. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. My Christian soldiers will form the biggest Army against the antichrist. Everything I did was for you and everything that comes from My Victory over death is yours. This error is not caused by their knowledge of Holy Scripture, but because of their flawed human reasoning, through which no part of My Promise to come again can be understood. 4.30 avg rating 23 ratings published 2012. Message to Maria Divine Mercy Monday, February 20th, 2012. However, when you reject the Holy Spirit and publicly blaspheme against it this is an eternal sin and only a miracle, sanctioned by God the Father, can save your soul. FAIR USE NOTICE: I am not associated in any way with Holy Love Ministry, Locutions To The World, Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), Prophet John Leary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg, or any of the other chosen messengers or website links that I provide on this blog. You will be led into a doctrine of deceit. And yet many were saved, because through My death on the Cross, caused by their rejection of Me, I redeemed them in the Eyes of My Father. To see how the evil one has corrupted their souls is a constant torment to Me, their beloved Father. But their load was heavy. I blasphemed against the Laws of the Church, they said, and violated the Sabbath by conducting the Paschal Meal on a different day to the one they deemed to be correct. They will be your armour against My adversary. The preparation of humanity will continue and the world will be given the Truth, in order to save man from the final destruction. The messages contain prophecies, many of which took place as foretold to Maria Divine Mercy including the prediction of the resignation of Pope Benedict in advance one year to the day beforehand. When the Truth is finally revealed to you, there will be no turning back if you are found guilty of the one eternal sin. Many prophets felt the weight of this task laid out before them. TRANSLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Please use the translation feature on this blog to translate this entire site into your choice of 56 different languages. Every single soul, including the most hardened sinner and those amongst you who are chosen souls, will never be free from sin, until I come again. Sin will always stand between you and God. For Audio Use: Litany and Crusade Prayers (arranged order document) Audio Use All Messages and Crusade Prayers given to Maria Divine Mercy above may all be freely read and downloaded in their entirety at this link Book of Truth, please see also My dearly beloved daughter when people ask what I mean by the Word of God let Me explain. Brothers and Sisters,I am a follower of Jesus Christ and these Holy messages sent from Heaven. And only the Mighty winds of His Love can move the stagnant waters of our hearts right below those mountains. Has all heavenly messages and all prayers from Jesus, God the Father and Mary Mother of Salvation. I was given a very special role in His Plan to save all of His children and today, in my role as the Mother of Salvation, I call out to all of His children. It is the final Mission to save souls and every step of the way is dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. They used lies to stop people from hearing My Voice. The Marian Fathers are the official promoters and guardians of the authentic Divine. The comfort they have been missing is the calmness of the soul, which can only come from Me. When something is UNQUESTIONABLE it leaves no room for any DOUBTS. You must never forget that God loves everyone and because of the opposition, which will be shown to Gods children, you will not find it easy to remain faithful to the Word. PAGE TOPICS Maria Divine Mercy was brought to my attention by a Facebook friend who happens to be a woman religious and who, at the time of writing to me, was convinced that Maria Divine Mercy is just what she claims to be, the seventh prophet of the Book of Revelation. I know every single soul; every part of you is known to Me. The high priests in My time on earth tried to twist the Truth of Gods Laws in order to justify their rejection of Me. You must ignore these attacks. Those who follow these Messages will form the kernel and from this will grow the shoots and then the branches of My Remnant Army all over the world. We must remain faithful from this very moment, which is already gone as you now read the next word written by my small self, until the eternal now when darkness will no longer be. It is only because I Love you that I call out to you now. I do not seek out the wicked to destroy them easily. Judge them harshly, and you will be judged, accordingly. How To Translate Downloadable Documents, Books And Booklets, On This Blog Into 90 Languages Therefore, we must consume the Truth Contained within the Book that reveals It, as It Is revealed in what we unworthily consume in the Eucharist, Who Is the Truth in Flesh. The Holy Spirit rests upon you and you will be filled with every Gift possible to sustain your devotion to Me. I am going to prove to us that His Mighty Love Is, in this very moment, renewed. Reject them cruelly, and you, too, will be rejected by My Hand of Justice. You do not have to listen to Me now for everything that God wanted you to know is contained in the most Holy Gospels. Maria, who wishes to be anonymous, says that she had neither read the Bible nor had heard of the Second Coming, up to the time she received these messages. The heart must be open: its ears and eyes shall perceive the Truth but will our stomachs digest It? When they surrender their free will to Me, I can do what is necessary to draw them to the Love of God. Only God knows Maria Divine Mercy. In your world today do you think it will be any different? Then, when those who do proclaim My Holy Word already, and who follow My Teachings, accuse you of heresy then the answer to them is this. Prophets have been given different Missions. I ask that you keep a clear and open mind when reading My Messages for the first time, for this will probably be the only time you will witness My Voice from Heaven until the day you have all been waiting for arrives. WHO ISMARIA DIVINE MERCY? Please accept this great Gift. Sadly, when I was born they were not ready. EVERYTHING WILL BE DONE TO CAUSE DISRUPTION TO YOUR PRAYER GROUPS The Book of Truth is contained in Public Revelation and it is important that you do not reject this Holy Book. My dearly beloved daughter, God, through private revelations, gave His children a better understanding of what is contained in Sacred Scripture. That is why Christ came into this world. The Magazine Basic Theme by According to her web site, she is "a Roman Catholic married mother of a young family living in Europe [and] says she has been receiving from the Holy Trinity as well as by the Virgin Mary.". The Image of The Divine Mercy In 1931, our Lord appeared to St. Faustina in a vision. Only when the evil one and those who slavishly follow the lies he promises, are destroyed, finally can the world become calm. I created this blog to spread THE TRUTH. It did not matter to them that they were laughed at because they knew the Truth of God was the food of life. Many do not believe in Satan or the existence of Hell, and as such, do not take sin seriously. And now you, My daughter, have been sent to prepare the way for My Second Coming so that I can bring salvation to the world and so that My New Paradise can be realized. You will remain alone like a voice in the wilderness. Only the Prophet Daniel was given its contents, but he was instructed by My Father not to disclose its secrets., Summary Of Preparation For End Times In The Book Of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) EXPLAINING THE FAITH DVD. I am with each of you standing beside you, just waiting for the day when you will finally surrender to My Call. Cover us with Your Precious Blood, so that we will be filled with courage and love to stand up and declare the Truth of Your New Kingdom. Nor do I seek to cause humiliation to anyone, although they may humiliate others in My Name. She has received over 1,250 public messages as well as a number of private ones, all of which are linked to the Second Coming of Christ. The Truth Was Crucified and Revealed in the Living Verb. But, as the Redeemer of humanity, I will ensure that every bramble is carefully removed, every stone thrown to one side, every path cleared, so that you will succeed in bringing My Word before the world, at a time when I will be all but forgotten. Confusion does not come from Me. My only desire is to save them all. People are not obliged to buy the books, however, as the messages are free to download on this site. Give me the courage, strength and wisdom to convey the Truth, so that the greatest possible number of souls may be brought to you. I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. The Catholic Church will be taken over by the enemies of God from within and this will lead to the greatest apostasy of all time. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. around ALL Children in the world, especially those slated for abortion, infanticide, satanic offering, sexual misuse/abuse. The Truth will upset many and the Truth will be bitter to swallow, for it is of such magnitude that only those who are strong in their love for Me will be able to accept it. He, My Eternal Father, loves everyone and this mission was foretold. Polish Divine Mercy Shrines Divine Mercy Shrine of Krakw | Official Website; Divine Mercy Shrine of Pock | Official Website; Excerpts of the Diary of Sister Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul; Devotional organizations Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska -; Faustinum Association of Apostles of the Divine Mercy Without the Book of Truth, you, My disciples, would be like lambs being led to the slaughter, as you must know that your faith in God will be challenged and many efforts will be made to wipe out all traces of Me, Jesus Christ, off the face of the Earth. In these messages the Voice of the Holy Spirit is being poured out to save mankind from eternal damnation. Let the Truth be heard, for it is written and, what is written by God, is sacrosanct. Be careful when you judge the Word of God, given to His chosen prophets. $14.95. Revelation 7:2-3, The Seal of The Living God given through Maria Divine Mercy, From the Book of Truth For us to introduce you to the Depth, the Love, the Mercy, the Righteousness, the Truth, the Accuracy, the Purity, the Divinity of these unique messages given to Maria Divine Mercy in The Book of Truth would be an impossible task to achieve on this man-made and very imperfect platform. My dearly beloved daughter, how long did man think that I would wait before communicating with him again before My Second Coming? Most of them knew they were not worthy to impart the holy Word of God but they accept the divine calling from the Heavens because they were sent. Our lives? So now you should understand why you are different to visionaries. They denied Him for they thought that the Messiah would be majestic, proud and would command attention in the highest echelons of the church. Only true prophets attract hatred. Should you blaspheme against Me, Jesus Christ, you will be forgiven. Then John the Baptist gave them the Word and warned them to prepare. Rejoice, for you are blessed to be given this role in the most important time in the history of the world. When people are starved of the Truth of God, they will turn in another direction in order to seek solace. Rejected, ridiculed, cast aside and deemed as eccentric, just as I was during My time on earth they still delivered the Word of God. ON THE ALLEGED VISIONARY "MARIA DIVINE MERCY" Requests for clarification have been coming to the Archdiocese of Dublin concerning the authenticity of alleged visions and messages received by a person who calls herself "Maria Divine Mercy" and who may live in the Archdiocese of Dublin. It is not you, but I, Jesus Christ, they push away. We unite ourselves in body, mind and spirit within Your Sacred Heart. In the meantime you do not have the authority to defend My Word. Mother of Salvation: The Book of Truth is contained in Public Revelation $16.95. He has been receiving heavenly messages since 1993 after a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father. You will be listened to yet I urge you to remain silent and not to comment to those who question you or challenge you. Book of Truth All Messages and Prayers March 04, 2015, The Warning Book of Truth All Messages 1 Thru 1328, THE WARNING JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS TO PRIESTS BOOK OF TRUTH (PDF), THE WARNING JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS TO PRIESTS BOOK OF TRUTH (ODT), THE WARNING JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS TO PRIESTS BOOK OF TRUTH (WordDoc), THE WARNING JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS TO PRIESTS BOOK OF TRUTH (WordDocX), The Book of Truth can also be downloaded and read online at this website (also has back-up websites): The Book of Truth Online, Also see (backup site): (free PDF download of the Book of Truth and prayers), For the Book of Truth on audio (mp3 files) see this page to download free: No man knows the Truth of the real contents of the Book of Revelation. Please read below: This is Maria . I come, through the Messages, to prepare you. My daughter when you feel alone and abandoned know that this is how the prophets felt in the past. Are you and I among those stars? In time you will. Divine Mercy @DivineMercy_Official 345K subscribers 2.8K videos The Marians are a Congregation of more than 500 priests and brothers in 19 countries around the world. Prepare for this global Mission, like no other. Although she had no knowledge of the Bible or religious matters in any great detail, the messages are littered with numerous biblical references, codes and secrets.