Be honest and tell them that you may not be able to complete the prep because you dont like citrus. Im not thirsty and forcing myself to drink is difficult. The second does requires you to get up around 1:00 a.m., and from that point on I had no control of my bowels whatsoever. Hi Eithne: Thank you so much for your comment. A clean colon is a key requirement for a successful colonoscopy, Dr. Cheney emphasizes. Is the first or second dose of suprep worse [2023] It took 70 minutes to start to work. I had a breast reduction 3 yrs ago and did ok with it but I still fear it. Somebody's got to find a better flavor for this stuff! Drink the Suprep cold. Clear liquids all day the day before test and 1 10 oz bottle of Citrate of Magnesium. Once I was finished, it took about 15 minutes to start working. Im having my first one tomorrow. One question that I havent seen addressed here is about timing. While the SuPrep did not taste great, I got it down more successfully than other preps. They said to come back in 10 years to do it again. Sutab Experience. I have an endoscopy/ colonoscopy combo scheduled in a couple weeks and am obsessing about the potential for problems and/or flares. My appointment started at 5:30 the next morning. Had a wonderful breakfast afterwards. The American Gastroenterological Association and American College of Gastroenterology recommend the split dose because it cleans the colon more thoroughly. I knew if I wasnt clean they couldnt do the procedure so I didnt do 2nd dose and called to cancel. This report explores how your digestive system works and what science knows about this mysterious disorder. Mag citrate at 2pm, lots of liquids, then 4 senna tablets that I crushed up and added to Powerade zero; then lots of liquids, at 7 pm I took 4 dulcolax pills that I crushed up and added to protein enhanced water. Thank you!! Hi Janet, Hi Bob, I felt like I had the flu. I have an upcoming colonoscopy. Its a horrible way to die and very preventable, but knowing that still doesnt make this any easier. I dont have a problem drinking all the water, so Im just trying to flush with that until I go to bed. Because of your brothers passing, you are right that you need a colonoscopy. First of all: Good for you for taking the step to have a colonoscopy. Mine tasted like grape and was not bad at all. Prep is essentially a laxative, which means you'll spend a lot of time on the toilet. I put the prep drink in my large Tervis Tumbler with a straw. My instructions have always said that I can drink bouillon or eat Jello during the prep time and up to midnight before the colonoscopy. Make sure to take plenty of fluids throughout the day in addition to the fluids used for your bowel preparation. 8 dulcolax, 8.3 oz miralax and 2 6oz suprep. with 32 oz of apple juice in once container and 32 oz of white grape juice watered down a little in the second jar. 7:30pm and I finished only 1/3 of Peglyte, but after *5 BMs, my stool was already liquid and yellow (Use Vaseline if youre anus is sore, or have shallow bath; I was fine just being gentle and using wet cleaning cloths.) Thank you so much for all your tips. I also agree that it is absurd to advise ingesting toxic substances as part of this procedure. Im going in for my first colonoscopy in 2 days and Ive been very anxious. They ended up using the one in my arm and not my hand. It was brown. This worked well for me. Hope this helps. going for consult today thursay feb 1 2018 at 3pm not sure when theyll set up the test. Dr. Cheney says that taking ondansetron (Zofran) an hour before the first laxative dose and every six to eight hours during the process is effective for most people. I never did get nauseous or cramps, so I repeated until I had downed 3 liters. My advice just get it over with. I have to go back in 5 years for another colonoscopy and I have no worries at all about doing it again. Just do it. So, believe in yourself and go get it done. I had several accidents, got no sleep at all, at one point my husband had to come in with rubber gloves and bleach and clean up our bathroom. Normally, I can't down any liquid in that quantity that quickly much less one that tastes as bad as that. fun, I am sad thinking of my 56 year old nephew jusr diagnosed with advanced colon cancer who never had a colonoscopy. Seriously! Theres a great tea that is Spearmint and Peppermint, a Tazo Tea. We talked through the whole procedure, they were able to point out parts of my colon, etc. I continued to consume liquids every hour (tea, broth, Gatorade) until 10:PM. Showered, got dressed and went to apt. Having said that, Suprep contains both Sucralose and flavoring agents, so it may not taste as bad as has been suggested. To be honest, I would have preferred to remember since I was awake. My brain didnt track I had to go to the bathroom and 3 times the cleanup wasnt pleasant. This site was great! Im on disability and cant afford that! We are unable to provide medical advice, so please check in with your doctors office to ask about flavor options and prep options. I need an endoscopy; but the Dr. wants a colonoscopy with it. The next morning, I was able to drink the second dose of 32 oz. But most people have no idea. The days of downing a gallon of laxative in one dose are gone. The actual flush wasnt really that pressing and after 4 or 5 visits to the library, the process is mostly over. You should avoid red meat, "heavy" foods, fried foods, fiber-filled foods and anything that is red. The other people on this site sharing their experiences helped me through this. Preps may differ from doctor to doctor. Despite what the packaging or instructions on your colonoscopy prep product may say, always check with your doctors office and know what time they advise you to stop drinking liquids. NEVER AGAIN! I would really like to be able to be successful in this test. After reading so many reviews regarding this prep, I made two calls practically begging my doctor to order something else. I just took another Ducolax and Im taking another in an hour. Once you get it down, the prep starts working pretty quickly. It has been one hour since taking the dose. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. (Yeah, its a lot of liquid, but it makes the throne time so much easier.). Not something I will order in a restaurant but the cherry taste was very palatable and I downed the 1st dose with a straw at once. New split-dose preps. The instructions say to start at 6pm (should end the first solution by 7:30pm). It wasnt bad at all. Be sure to finish it at least 2 hours before your procedure time. I talked to a nurse who told me as long as I had no fever I was ok. The time you start drinking the second part of your Suprep bowel preparation depends on your scheduled arrival time. BUT lets reinforce the importance of colonoscopies and the importance of preps so that the doctors can get as clear and clean a view as possible. It lasted 2 hours and I had maybe 6-7 trips to the bathroom. It sucked not to eat but it is the rules. I have scope scheduled for the 26th. Pretty uneventful, they prepped me, took me to where the procedure was to be done, said ok were going to give you the good stuff now, next I knew I was in the recovery room, where they said the found and removed one small polyp. I also used a big straw and put it as far as possible without choking on it. Before making any decisions regarding your health, please review your ideas and confirm all data with a licensed medical professional. Im pretty scared, especially for my husband of 52 years and myself. SUPREP Colonoscopy Instructions | Sutter Health Thats a win in my book. My dog has been somewhat uncaring about this and insists that I need to be successful with the prep but, its becoming apparent to me that this isnt going to happen. Someone asked the other day about experience with no sedation. I know everyone cannot do that but it helps me. Also, use soft TP and after the first few explosions , pat clean instead of wiping. No colonoscopy prep has ever caused me to stay up all night, lose all control, or have nausea. I have IBS. It was scheduled for Wednesday 6:30am. Thanks for the detailed comment. Then grab the prep drink in one hand, take a deep breath, hold your nose with the other hand and then chug the drink. Today I started drinking the Miralax/lemonade mix at 2pm and at 4 was vomiting Everything up I had just consumed! Anyway, Im sitting here with my horrible prep jug, getting ready for the 6 month follow up. He had many, many symptoms but out of fear of the news he never went, not until it was too late. Ive prepped with Golytely (dont know who named it), half lightly with Ducolax and the past 2 times with newer prep called Suprep which is the way to go(pun). I had a sudden change in my bowel habits and needed to have a colonoscopy. The taste of it was fine. Good luck and stay positive. My diarrhea stopped the evening before at about 9pm and i slept all night until I had to wake up and drink the other half of my solution. The afternoon before the colonoscopy, between 4:00 PM & 5:20 PM I drank one-half gallon of Trilyte. May everyone have it as easy as I did. I am 30 this is my second colonoscopy and endoscopy. Ive been told to drink a 10oz bottle of clear magnesium citrate tonight (Wednesday) but that I can eat a light breakfast tomorrow morning (Thursday) before 9am. The first was at the doc office where they discovered many polyps. 2 days before take 1 Dulcolax just before bed She had no idea and felt fine! I started googling because the pain went to my lower right quadrant. Drinking 8 oz of liquid every 15 minutes for one hour is one way to not feel overwhelmed by the 32 oz. Im afraid that so many solutions will cause the anal fissure to start bleeding again. Got myself all worked up for nothing. Hot chicken broth, jello It was easy, no ill effects. Thank you again for sharing your experience. Suprep did not. This is a concern best discussed with your provider who is familiar with your medical history and needs. While you are on a liquid diet you can add your prep to any of these treats. I changed my mind when a slightly older sibling was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer about 6 months ago. The purging began 2 hours later, and I wasnt in pain at all. Thursday night its 1 pouch of Prepopik followed by another one 6am Friday. She cites new low-volume preps that are much easier to take and antinausea medications to help them go down. From the doctors: nurse: pounding Gatorade or Powerade at the same rate as your prep makes the effluvia rawness almost non-existant. As you can imagine, I dont want to go through this again. Another study found that split-dose prep made prescreening bowel movements easier. I find that if a take some of the prep then suck on a Lemon right after dont get the seeds .It helps me so much ! Then after that you drink 16oz of water. I dont have stomach issues so I think I will be in the clear. Glad you were able to successfully complete your colonoscopy. Ultimately I was able to successfully complete my colonoscopy on my second try. Good luck to all. On a final note I was gassy for days. Way to stay on top of your screening! NDA/BLA Multi-Disciplinary Review and Evaluation Thank you for adding it! It helped calmed down my hunger. Am having my second colonoscopy this pm. I did not taste it. I am having my colonoscopy Tuesday. It was an orange flavored powder that you mix with 5oz of cold water. I knew that something was wrong and it was. ugh..I eat a 90% clean diet,organic, no chemicals, certainly no excess sugar. Good luck! Has anyone used this? Mild diarrhoea next morning, but then told by hospital they were cancelling my appointment as the prep hadnt worked. But when you break up your prep over the course of an hour with four 8-ounce glasses, the mental stress of drinking "32 ounces" doesn't seem so bad. I was given the Su-prep Bowel two dose laxative. Suprep Colonoscopy Preparation (Split Dose Prep) 6.5 hours later, I awoke and had to dump. I have a routine colonoscopy scheduled for Monday but I have something I have to do on Sunday night, I cant get out of, and which might leave me with inconsistent bathroom access. It is now 9:30PM and Im on the internet searching for info to make sure I did not do something wrong. The 1st dose was not pleasant, but it was the second dose that was my deciding factor on not doing this again. I recall being in the procedure room and talking with my doctor before things got started. Hi Gabriela, Thank you so much for your comment! I was up at 4:00 AM and chose to skip coffee and drink water (about a quart), and started on the second round of colyte at 5:00 AM using the same technique as the previous night. Also if you get cold like I did use a heating pad for my stomach. Our Path to a Cure report is our plan for the future. One week before the procedure I cut out nuts and seeds. This laxative is meant for adults and children over the age of 12. Here are some tips that worked for me but they might not work for everyone. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. However, imo, it is not irrational for a person about to undergo colonoscopy to feel concern about a foreign object being introduced deep into their body. Hi Jenny, Thank you so much for your gratitude! Hopefully my results are ok. For laxatives it does depend on ones body. Thanks to the KaiserPermanente site and this one my colonoscopy prep and todays procedure was a breeze. But Im here to tell you that I could taste grape flavor!) Also, mention your teeth sensitivity to cold, so they can help you choose a prep that works for you. Wish me luck on my way to emergency room now. I mixed 8oz miralax powder into 1/2 gallon water. We hope you wake up well-rested and with no notable news following your procedure. Pedialyte hydrates me better than water. I have ME/CFIDS/FMS. Because colorectal cancer risk is increased if you have a family history of polyps AND/OR colorectal cancer, share your results with your family -- especially your children, parents, and siblings. I had to wake up at 1:30am to take the zofran and start 2nd prep at 2am with cutting . Drank the next 64 oz by 7:30. Official answer. Did my 4th colonoscopy today, and this was the 1st time I had to do a split prep. 238 Gram bottle of Miralax (14 day supply). Needed to pass all the air gas they put in me. Colonoscopy got scheduled for two weeks out. 8pm Monday Suprep w water guzzled down with ice in my waterbottle. Id just occasionally feel the need to go to the bathroom on and off for about 2 hours. Also remember to ask your doctors office what colored drinks you should avoid during prep. Thanks to all the previous comments firstthey really helped me prepare. Their staff should have suggestions for what you can do to ensure success with your colonoscopy. Having watched my mother die from colon cancer is the only reason I manage to push through and get this done. Mixing it with your favorite sports drink will make it easier, IMO. Prep: Sodium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate (Suprep).How to take it: Two 12-ounce doses, each followed by a quart of water. Aloha and best wishes. Chilled both bottles and water used for mix. Better cleaning will lead to better results. I would. He has the nausea pills and he did take one. Good luck, Bob! Think my mom and I will feel better once this is done to be on the safe side. Why wouldnt they tell patients they can drink pediolite for the electrolytes? There are so many donts I cant make sense of any of it. mid-day, and started the prep about 4 pm. I have had two colonoscopies prior to this with a different prep (I believe it was Moviprep), and while the prep wasn't my favorite thing to do, I always described it as "not bad." Some survivors say creams and oils can help either prevent or soothe irritation. Sucking on a lemon between the glasses of prep sounds good, too. I was supposed to 3 yrs ago at age 50, but the surgeon canceled and I never rescheduled, then had the at-home kit test 2 yrs ago. Im having my 2nd colonoscopy in 6 days, I had my first when I was 41 because my grandfather had colon cancer and my dad died at 69 from colon cancer. You could also reach out to Dulcolax (under Contact Us Call 1-866-844-2798 (MF 8am6pm) Dreading the next time. Otherwise, take your regular medications, including the day of the exam. All rights reserved. Give yourself plenty of time for the laxative to start working. She notes that polyps that lie flat against the colon wall are especially difficult to detect if stool or liquid coat the bowel wall. But I wasnt going to force myself. At 10:00 PM I took Magnesium Citrate which was easy to take and much better tasting. "), Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Latest Facts on COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters, History Does Repeat: Vaccine Resistance Is Not New, Synthetic Chemical in Many Products Linked to Early Death, New Drug for Early Breast Cancer: First Advance in 20 Years, Love Horror? DUDE wipes and Preparation H wipes are two advocate favorites, but several brands produce medicated and non-medicated wet wipes. Had no issue drinking it. Well cover the types of IBS, how its diagnosed, and best of all, what you can do to control IBS instead of having it control you. I hope we hear back from you: That you had a clean colonoscopy. Thanks so much for the tips! Instead I took 2 pills of Ducolax at 3:30 am (6/28) and went to bed. I was nervous for the procedure, but that was over in no time. At 6:00 pm, Drink ONE 8 (eight) ounce GLASS OF THE MIRALAX/GATORADE SOLUTION MIXTURE every 15 minutes until half of the solution mixture is gone. Lmao. When the inspection is complete, the nurse brings some crackers and coffee. (still staying calm about tomorrow!). If you start to feel nauseous, take a break of around half an hour in between sips. I was in bathroom off and on for the next 3 hours. this is the same procedure I used. Of course this means I had to start getting checked in my mid-20s. AGAIN with the gallon of liquid prep and my only comment (as I drink the stuff) is YUCK! Sadly, we are seeing young people diagnosed too frequently, and we agree with you that colorectal cancer knows no boundaries and age doesnt matter. They failed once on my hand so I suggested by arm, which is an easy target after giving blood so many years. I was a little nervous about the procedure, but I didnt feel or remember anything. Great process for preventing colon cancer. Applying these barrier creams/ointments to a wet site will trap the moisture inside, potentially causing the irritation to be worse. Right after the 5th consumption, I had to go. Bottom line - it's not as bad as you think it's going to be. Then at 6pm the horror started for me. For me, this prep was so much better than the Gatorade and Miralax Prep. I think I might just do the best I can with it and let it go at that. Suprep Reviews (Page 18) - MedsChat Ha! Many people don't complete the full preparation. Three procedures btwn Oct and June. The first dose is to be taken the night before the colonoscopy. Taking the prep with cold water is much better! . May never be another colonoscopy in my future, but theres definitely a new gastroenterologist. You ask a great question, and its important that you follow your GIs advice so that you completely and properly prepare your prep, so you can have a successful colonoscopy. No sensation of any kind of having been probed. I accidentally ate a bun with a few sesame seeds a few days before the procedure, but it was no big deal. Guess that means no colonoscopy for me. Read More Read Less, Since I read very mixed reviews of this ranging from light to be illegal to tasted like a magrarita I thought Id add one more it was fine for me. Its never going to be 100 percent pleasant having the runs for a couple of hours, but I was fine. I have acid reflux to boot so it wanted to come up. The first dosage i could not keep down. I mixed it with Gatorade Blue and had it down within 15 minutes. You MUST drink two more 16 oz cups of water over the next hour. I wish the site moderator would discuss the fact that the PREP ALONE keeps probably 50% of more of candidates for this procedure from ever having it done THAT IS HOW BAD IT IS! It is also the worst. I am not a weak, fragile female. Suprep does it's job but has extreme side affects! (They must not have been making budget and needed to shove through some more expensive tests). I had no problem downing the solution. You all can do this! Bottom line, I was afraid and waited. Do speak with your GI. Bad enough I have to be unclothed and unconscious. I did have 8 ounces of coffee at 5:30am 2 1/2 hours before the appointment. I stocked up on broths, jello, white grape juice, lemon Italian ice and green tea and treated myself to some new books, and I organized my prep. So for anyone nervous about a colonoscopy, I hope my recent experience helps (it was today at 10:30am, Las Vegas, Durango Outpatient Surgery Center). I lost a cousin to colon cancer at 36, leaving behind 2 toddlers and seeing that well I decided to go at 51 years old. Vomiting will reduce the effectiveness of Suprep in preparing the colon and you risk having to reschedule your procedure. I have to go back in 5 years for another colonoscopy and I have no worries at all about doing it again. Do the prep and get your colon checked! Using suprep for my 4th colonoscopy has been so much better than drinking the gallon of golytely. Unlike in the past, this way I had no cramping, previously cramping had been severe. Should it have already been clear? Thanks. I went ahead with my endoscopy and spoke with the nurse about my failed attempt at prep.. You are right about people dying from the anesthetic and unknown health conditionsbut the team of Drs and nurses do not assault people! I am so relieved, colon cancer runs in my family and with a mother and sister having it, I want to be sure nothing bad is lurking in my body. Wish I would have read the material a week ago. First time never having candy on Halloween! Tastes better too. I had chemo and radiation for anal cancer 8 years ago. "Things have changed a lot in the past 10 years," says Dr. Catherine Cheney, a gastroenterologist at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. I am having my test today at noon. I do have a great GI Doc. Well everything went well and I got a polyp removed and biopsies were also taken. Drink the Suprep cold. The drink isnt too bad, the pooping eventually ends and the procedure isnt as bad as you think. She said that to drink as much as I could. Continue to feel better today and rest up. Second dose worked a little quicker and system was clear in about 2 hours. Don't drink it all at one time! Suprep Reviews - MedsChat The newer preps are often lower in volume and divided into two doses, the first taken the night before and the second six hours prior to your procedure. We have enough pain and exhaustion without added complications. I kept asking the doctor if it was cancer, and he told me no, 5 times. Then prepare for a nice long potty break. Thank you! You do need to be aware that when this stuff hits, you will have trouble making it to the toilet in time. Ive been anxious over this whole procedure for months now. Good luck! Use Sprite, Ginger ale, or pulp-free lemonade to mix the solution. I am not going to soft sell this product, it is VERY difficult to swallow and I had to fight with myself to keep it down. Energy-boosting coffee alternatives: What to know. So if someone in your family was diagnosed at age 46, then it is recommended you be screened at age 36. Had it been left much longer, it would have turned cancerous. Should he contenue? Here this costs the equivalent of 20 dollars. I did not find this sight until I was beginning my cleanse so I did not change my diet prior to cleanse and eat steak and chicken the day before the prep. Tomorrow will be my sixth scope. of water DO NOT follow instructions on the SuPrep box. A few examples are listed below. I had to cancel the test. Then a half hour later, I drank another 16 oz. Now that youve had a colonoscopy, if you dont have risk factors, perhaps in the future you can speak with your healthcare professional about an at-home colon cancer test option. You should avoid red meat, "heavy" foods, fried foods, fiber-filled foods and anything that is red.